Chapter 3: The Ride Home

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When Raine got to the parking lot, there was only 3 cars in there. Raine's, Alexa's and a car she had never seen before. A boy then walked out approximately Raine's age get into the car. He had deep, blue eyes like the ocean and dark, brown scruffy hair. He was wearing an outfit that a professor or a teacher would wear. It was a blue-y white coloured shirt tucked into a pair of black jeans with a pair of brown, leather shoes. He looked like a typical teacher but just young making him look like a student. As soon as Raine saw him walk by, she just knew that she would not forget that face. Raine then stopped 'fantasising' and got into her car.

As she was driving home, she noticed a car parked in the middle of the road. It was the boy's car from earlier. She noticed him stood looking into the trunk.

"Do you need any help sir?" Raine asked politely.

He looked at her for a slight second before replying, "Yes if you wouldn't mind." He replied.

Raine then tucked a piece of hair behind her ear and then walked over to him.

"What's the problem with your car?" Raine asked looking confused.

"I'm not quite sure really. When I was driving, I noticed a leak coming from the back." He replied calmly.

Raine didn't notice it earlier but this man had a British accent. His accent was a little bit posh, but you could hardly notice it.

"My name's Adam by the way. Adam Wesley." He mentioned with a grin on his face.


After Raine told Adam what her name was, Raine noticed a pipe in the wrong place. They weren't sure what to do so they had to call a tow truck. When the tow truck arrived, they took away his car so he couldn't get home. But Raine offered to give him a lift. Adam them jumped into Raine's car and gave her the directions to her house.

"Thanks for the ride." Adam said to Raine still with a grin on his face.

"No problem." Raine replied.

Just as Raine was about to take off, Adam handed Raine half a piece of paper with a number written on it. It was Adam's phone number. He smiled at Raine whilst giving her the piece of paper and then Raine drove off.

On her way home, Raine noticed something in the distance. She then got out of her black car and started to walk towards it. As she got closer, she heard a bark. It was a small, male Golden Retriever puppy. It didn't have a collar, so Raine didn't know what to do with him. The puppy had a slight cut on his left paw, so Raine decided to take him to a vet. The time was already like six and nearest vet was like fifteen minutes away and it closes at half past six so Raine quickly picked up the puppy firmly and went back to car and drove off. The puppy stopped barking eventually, but he carried on barking for the whole car ride.

When she arrived at the vet, she only had ten minutes before it closed for the night. She quickly picked up the puppy from the back of her car and rushed in. She went to the front desk and explained to the receptionist what had happened. She then told Raine to go into the room on her right and the veterinarian would see her right away.

When she entered the room, this tall man told Raine to softly place the puppy on the table and then he examined the puppy. He noticed a chipped piece of glass stuck in one of the puppy's claws, so he went and got a pair of tweezers to get it out. After he got it out, he bandaged the puppy up and told Raine to pay at the front desk. Raine didn't realise she had to pay but fortunately, she had money left over from lunch. Exactly five dollars.

"So that will be 4 dollars and 99 cents." The receptionist said politely.

Raine then reached into her pocket and pulled out a five dollar note.

"Keep the change." Raine replied.

Raine then realised that she had nowhere to take the puppy to, so she decided to take him home with her and keep him as a pet. She knew that her Mom wouldn't mind because she was talking about getting a puppy a few weeks back. Raine then left the veterinarian and went home. Whilst on the way home, she decided to name the pup Elijah.  

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