Chapter 12: Tied Up

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Chapter 12: Tied Up

Lucas and Raine knew that it was going to get dark quick, but it took longer than they expected. They left school at fifteen minutes to four and now it was almost half past. They were quite exhausted, so they decided to stop for a minute or two. They were in a dodgy neighbourhood at the time but there was a bench, so they decided to sit down on it.

The bench was on a pavement that had patches of grass but not a lot. It was made of wood that had started to rot away, and soon it would snap. They were hoping it wouldn't break whilst they were sitting on it. They were sat there for a good fifteen minutes before getting up and walking back home. As they got up to leave, Raine's chain for her locket snapped and they were trying to find it. By the time they found it, it was 5 past ten. Raine was determined to get home by six but she wasn't sure if they'd make it.

When they decided to start walking again, a group of big, muscular bald guys, with tattoos that completely covered their bodies, started to walk over to them. Raine and Lucas try to ignore them and not stare, but they just couldn't help it. As Raine and Lucas started to walk further away, the group of guys stopped. By the time, the men had stopped, Raine and Lucas were out of their way. They carried on walking until Raine saw that the guys were fighting. They were pushing, shoving, and shouting at one another and Raine started to get nervous that one of them was going to die and Raine didn't want to be witness and neither did Lucas.

Raine noticed that she had dropped her locket again, back where the bald men were fighting too, but Raine didn't want to go near them. She loved that locket. It was special to her. Not only did Adam give it to her, but she wore it to her Mom's funeral, and it had a picture of them inside it. Raine knew that she had to get it back.

Raine got a hairband off her wrist and tied her black, straight hair into a ponytail. Her hair flowed back and forth as she walked back other to the bench. Lucas was stood there watching her, hoping that nothing bad was going to happen. She saw the locket lying there on the floor, underneath the bench. As she walked over to the group of people fighting, she tried to walk around them, but as she was stood right behind one of them, they all stopped arguing and fighting.

All the men turned around, and all eyes were on Raine. Her heart started to beat harder and faster and she started to breathe heavier. The muscular men started to walk up to Raine very slowly, as if they were trying to build suspense. Raine started to creep backwards, but the guys got closer and closer until there was this voice.

"STOP!" a mysterious person shouted.

It was a male voice. A familiar voice that they all had heard before. This man was wearing a tank top showing of his muscles and his edgy tattoos that went up and down his arms. This face was familiar. Déjà vu. But the muscles and the tattoos were a massive surprise. A plot twist to Lucas and Raine. Something they weren't expecting. It was Adam.

So many thoughts were going through Raine's mind.

Is he a gang leader?

Is he dangerous?

Is he part of a gang or the mob?

Was he getting close to me so he could kill me?

Is he going to kill me?

Who is Adam Wesley?

Adam then picked up the locket and walked over to Raine. He slowly winked at her before turning her back to him and putting the locket back on Raine.

"It's half past five. We only have thirty minutes to get home." Lucas shouted from the distance.

Raine looked at her watch and gasped. She then looked at Adam and he nodded to her as his way of saying go. Leave. Make sure you get home in time. She quickly hugged him and ran back to Lucas. As they went to walk away, a car pulled up right in front of them. If they took one more step, they would have been hit. Luckily, they weren't. But they weren't so lucky after all.

A young man, maybe even a teenage, stepped out of the car wearing a mask. They then opened the back door and pulled a girl out of the back. Her hands were tied up and they had duct tape covering their mouth, causing her not to talk. The girl was Katelyn.

Katelyn started to groan and tried to say something, but nobody could quite understand her. Then the guy took of his mask. It was obvious who it was, there was only one guy it could have been. Danny Andrews. The man set to destroy Raine's life before it even started. He threw Katelyn to the ground, leaving her unconscious. Lucas, Adam and Raine ran to help her but as they went to untie her, Danny pointed a gun at them. The group of bald guys fled leaving Raine, Lucas Adam and Katelyn with no witnesses.

"One move and I'll shoot." He said without even blinking.

Raine quickly responded "I know it's me you want. Take me and let them go."

"No Raine. I'm not going to let you sacrifice yourself for me. For us." Adam replied as he started to tear up.

"It's ok." Raine said whilst crying.

Danny then reached out for Raine and grabbed her. He had one hand around her and the other with the gun in his hand still pointing at them.

"Go. Before I shoot you as well. If you even think about telling a soul I will kill you and your family understood?" Danny said.

Raine shook her head as her way of saying goodbye.

Adam and Lucas picked up Katelyn and started to cry.

"Raine." Adam shouted.

Raine replied "yes?"

"I-I love you." Adam said with a bit of hesitation.

"I love you too." She replied.

They started to walk back and then it got dark. The neighbourhood they were in wasn't a popular one and there were a bunch of abandoned houses. Danny grabbed Raine and threw her inside one of the houses. The house was starting to fall, and the windows were blocked up with pieces of wood.

Inside the house was a wooden table that he tied Raine to. He then got a piece of duct tape and stuck it across her mouth just like he did with Katelyn. It was gone six by now, so Raine's twelve hours were up. What was Danny going to do to her exactly? Keep her tied up or kill her?

A few hours went by and Raine started to get parched and feel hungry. She couldn't ask Danny for food because she knew That he would say no and it's not like she would be able to anyway. She started to wiggle and try to get out of the knot, but Danny noticed her. He went up to Raine laughing, and just glared at her. He then went behind her and tightened the rope. Raine moaned because it was painful. He then went back up to her and started to kick her. He then lent down and whispered something in her ear.

"There's no escaping me sweetheart."

He then stood back up and let out a small chuckle whilst Raine sat there as she clenched her jaw in anger and disgust. Just as about Danny was about to sit down, he and Raine both heard a siren. Danny pulled back the curtains and peeked out the window. It was the cops.

"Those bastards called the cops on me." Danny exclaimed.

The police cars then pulled up outside of the house and a bunch of police officers started to surround it. Danny quickly untied Raine and took her to the door.

"Release the girl and there will be no harm." A female police officer declared.

Just before opening the door, Danny grabbed the gun of the round table and went outside.

"Come any closer and I'll shoot her." Danny shouted.

The police officer dropped her gun and tried to calm Danny down. As the police officer was trying to get Danny to let Raine go, four other cops closed in on him and got ready to shoot. Danny sensed it. He knew what they were about to do.

"I warned you what would happen, but you just couldn't listen." Danny shouted in anger.

Raine let out a small whimper and then in that exact moment, BANG! That was when everything went dark.

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