Mephoj chap: 1 season: 1

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Please, if you wanted updated non-cringe content, start on season 3. These other chapters don't have much relevance to season 3 other than the fact that these like kinda,, tell how they got together? Zz. But they were written at almost the beginning of the pandemic / mid 2020. I'm only keeping it up in case if you wanna reader the whole story. But don't get mad at me for the semi-sexual / weird af parts 😊😊.

OJ had a long day working at the hotel, it was very busy do to spray paint all over the outside walls. They had to remove  it, then put up a fence. "I feel like I'm missing something...". OJ looked at his watch. "Damn, it!". OJ ran outside, hopped in his car, and started heading towards the cliff. He was late, hopefully "he" will still be there. He got out of his car, weaving through the trees

     "I'm here!" OJ shouted, catching his breath. "Took you long enough" Mephone said. "Sorry I'm late, there was spray paint all over the walls of the bottom part of the hotel, we had to clean it and put a fence." OJ said, sweating at the back of his glass. Mephone rolled his eyes smiled. OJ always liked it when he smiled, it felt warm. OJ stared off at Mephone's smile, not realizing what was happening around him. "OJ?.. OJ!" Mephone shouted. OJ snapped out of it. "Sorry, sorry.". OJ was a bit embarrassed. Yesterday he was thinking today would be the day he told Mephone about his feelings, but he never knew it would be this hard. "You're about to miss the sunset." Mephone turned around and looked off into the distance. OJ sat beside him

     They stared off at the sunset, they always did this, but today felt more special to OJ, he knew he had to say it today, he was going on vacation with the eliminated, and old contestants. He wants to invite Mephone. OJ placed a hand on Mephone's hand. "U-uh.. your hands on mine." Mephone stuttered. OJ turned to look at Mephone, and OJ gave him a smile. "Your cute when your nervous" OJ chuckled. "I-I'm not cute! B-bitch!" Mephone stuttered again. "Mephone, I have to tell you something..." OJ said, touching Mephone screen, right underneath his eye. Mephone resisted at first, but let it happen.

    "Mephone4, I love you" OJ said, smiling. "Wha-" Mephone started to say, before OJ could kiss him. Mephone had never experienced someone caring about him, let alone loving him. He didn't resist, he even closed his eyes. They stopped, stared at eachother for a few seconds, then started laughing so hard both felt like they were going to die. OJ paused, he listened to Mephone's laughter, it made him smile. "Your laugh is cute." OJ said. Mephone stopped, his expression turned dark. "I heard you were going for a month..I'll miss you, honestly." Mephone said staring down at the grass. "You mean we're going." OJ looked directly at Mephone. "W-What?". "You're coming with me, another episode won't be released for a who knows how long, so you can come."

     "R-really?" Mephone said, tearing up. "Yep, your coming with me." OJ chuckled. Mephone rapped his metal arms around OJ. OJ was surprised, but hugged him back. "We can be together, and you can get away from your show drama." OJ laughed. Mephone nudged him. "Sh-shut up, its not dramatic." Mephone said, sticking his tongue out at him. "Your kidding, I've watched all the episodes." OJ said, flicking Mephone's screen. "Fine, maybe a little dramatic." Mephone said, wearing one of those "Baka!" expressions. "A little?" OJ scooted closer to Mephone. "W-whatever." Mephone sputtered. OJ kissed him again. "We're gonna need to get waterproof spray,  'cause we're going to the beach..." OJ said, staring directly into Mephone's glossy blue eyes. "Ocean eyes." OJ finished his sentence off with. "Sh-shut up" Mephone said, his voice getting a little more high pitched.

     "Also, swimming.. while we're there, I'm going to teach you how to swim, we can get the spray from test tube, she should be doing more in the lab since she's eliminated." OJ said, rapping an arm around Mephone. Mephone was fully flustered, and went into overheat mode. OJ just held onto him until his mode changed back. 

     "I-I h-hate you" Mephone stuttered. "No, you don't" OJ said. Mephone was a bit smaller than him, and he was in his lap, so he looked down. " win." Mephone said, again, wearing that "Baka!" expression. "We should get going, your coming home with me since Mepad nor toilet seems to be around. "...right." Mephone didn't like that topic. "Sorry." OJ wanted to cheer him up, so he carried him. "H-HEY! Put me down!" Mephone sputtered. "What if I say, no?" OJ said, starring down at him. "I-I'll... I'll punch you!" Mephone said. OJ laughed and put Mephone in the passengers seat.

    The whole drive home was filled with laughter and speaking, not at a moment did they pause. Mephone and OJ were pretty tired. OJ held Mephone's hand as he walked up the stairs. He opened the door, and let Mephone pass. "Ladies first" OJ laughed. "I am not a lady!" Mephone said, walking by him, and sticking his tongue out at OJ. They talked a bit more in bed, and watched some shows, and a movie. Before they knew it, there were asleep. They were sleeping the whole night, they slept very peacefully. Mephone was used to having a nightmare, but tonight he didn't. 

     "HEY! LOVE BIRDS, Get up!". OJ woke, his head hurt due to wearing that cork all night. "Ugh.. trophy?". Trophy was standing right beside the bed, staring directly at OJ. "Why you sleeping with the host? Hmmm?" Trophy said, with the "know-it-all" expression. "Shut up, trophy." OJ said, looking down to Mephone. Mephone was completely silent, no snoring, but he looked pretty uncomfortable. OJ shook Mephone's arm, which was pretty warm by now. "Huh..?" Mephone sat up, he seemed pretty confused. He stared directly at trophy. At first, he had an embarrassed expression, which quickly shifted to an angry one when he saw trophy had his phone out. Mephone got up and tackled trophy. OJ just sat there in a puddle of sweat.

    Mephone didn't put up much of fight, tho trophy's first instinct was to punch. Mephone's screen didn't crack, but his eye did close

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