vi. sisters

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June 11, 1511

Henry decided to have the wedding on his birthday, as a joint celebration. I didn't argue, because I had no reason to, but the remaining days were dwindling down to an awfully low number.

There were only eight days until my life would change forever. Only eight days until I would become queen.

"The Right and Honorable Earl of Dover and The Right and Honorable Countess of Dover."

I looked up and saw my father and mother walk into my room with two very different expressions painted on their faces. My mother was beaming and looked overwhelmed with joy and excitement, whereas my father held himself a little higher and was bursting with pride.

I smiled at them warmly. "Do you need something?"

"This is where the future queen of England is sleeping? It looks pitiful," my father said, examining the room with critical eyes.

"Only temporarily. After the wedding, I'll transition to a lifestyle fit for a queen, and you will all be treated very well," I explained, "Elizabeth won't even have to marry! You know she's never wanted to settle down."

"Don't be ridiculous," he answered, scoffing at me, "You may be in the king's favor now, but we don't know how long that will last. If she married, our family will be secure, no matter what happens to you."

I sighed. The question came back, haunting me like an old lullaby that I couldn't quite remember. Remembering Henry's response, I decided to take advantage of the conversation. If my soon-to-be husband wouldn't answer me, maybe my father would.

"Well, what do you mean? He loves me, why would he get rid of me? How would he get rid of me?" I asked.

"He's a king. He could have you beheaded if you commit adultery. He could have you murdered if you can't give him an heir. Really anything he wants if it conveniences him."

I inhaled sharply. I couldn't imagine someone who seemed as sweet as Henry doing something so awful. I looked to my mother, hopeful she'd think of something comforting to say. I needed reassurance that I wasn't sealing a fate that I didn't want, something that couldn't be undone.

She offered me an encouraging smile. "As long as you are faithful and love him, you will be very happy for the rest of your life. Plenty of kings and queens stay married their whole lives. Why would you and Henry be any different?"

I nodded. "Is that all you came to say?" I asked, feeling a bit reassured and a bit terrified all at once.

"No. Beatrice's daughter and husband just arrived at court, because they traveled separately. You should go greet them," my mother said, "I know Lucy is very excited to see you."

I smiled at the thought of my little niece, who was only four years old. I hadn't seen her in over a year, and I missed her so much.

"I suppose I should go, then," I said.

I quickly hugged my parents, and then darted out of the room. I noticed the stares and whispering around me as I breezed down the corridors of the palace, but couldn't get the image of Lucy out of my head. Even when she was just a baby, she was very pretty. Since it had been so long since I'd seen her, I could only imagine what she looked like now.

I almost couldn't believe it when I saw her. As soon as I rounded the corner and she saw me, Lucy ran up to me, abandoning her father.

She was so much more grown now that I almost didn't recognize her. Small, dark blonde ringlets fell loosely around her freckled face, accentuating her green eyes and the small golden flecks around the outer edge. She looked adorable, and I knew she'd grow into a pretty girl when she was older.

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