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There before her stood the great city - the majestic citadel, its walls and turrets of white stone gleaming in the sunshine. Nixie felt a sudden rush of excitement. She was almost there. She took one last look, then set off down the hill. As she got closer and closer to the city, so the stream of people steadily increased. The Bustling flow of traffic slowed Nixie's Progress to barely more than a shuffle. By the time she reached the gatehouse, Nixie was almost at a standstill.

Nixie didn't mind, it gave her more time to look around at her surroundings. All the while her eyes darted from one new sight to another - colourful market traders, street performers and animals pulling carts laden with wares all jostled for space. Ever thing seemed new and exciting to Nixie - with noise and colour at every turn. She wondered as if it always was like this in Camelot, always so busy. This city was clearly nothing like the small village she had left behind...

Nixie just stared up at the retreating figures, before glancing up at the towers and battlements of the citadel and heading on her way once more. Above the general noise of the crowd, she suddenly found she could hear a steady beat of metal clanging and, curious, she decided to see what was happening. She passed through the gatehouse into the palace square: a grand cobble stoned courtyard encircled by high walls - and currently jam-packed with people. Nixie stood on her toes and glimpsed at two men with a sword in their hand. the clanging stopped procession halted below a prominent balcony. Almost as one the eyes of the crowd looked up towards the figure emerging onto the balcony. Nixie followed their gaze and for the first time in her life, lay eyes on a king. The King of Camelot.

The crowd was a big giveaway, of course. but there was also no mistaking the nobility of this commanding figure. Until this moment, Nixie had only seen those aristocratic feature on coins, where the rather crudely fashioned profile had failed to do this man justice. Here in the flesh Nixie could see he had the bearing of a veteran warrior and the features of a powerful king. A number of nobles, knights and courtiers were gathered about him, but Nixie's eyes were locked on the king.

"Well done knights, you have fought well," said the king as he seemed to look at each and everyone before looking at the to knights. "But only one of you will be knighted,"

Suddenly, out of the corner of her eye, Nixie caught glimpse of movement at a high window: a girl with curly flowing dark hair, blue dress and a tanned face - her expression moody like a storm cloud. She paused for a moment, looking out at the scene before her.

But then the booming voice of the king pulled Nixie's attention back: "The fight is to the death, unless you are lucky that the champion spares your life."

As the clanging of the swords began again, the fight had begun, drums began and played at the two knights fought to win the knighthood.

The drum roll had ceased a fraction too soon and the gasps of the crowd came just a second to late. all Nixie head was a dull thud of one of the knight's callapsing hitting the ground hard. And without knowing why, she looked to the narrow window where the girl was standing. She was gone.

A cold silentce quickly descended over the square. It was a silence only the king dared break.

"Knight Erec, you have proven to be a skilled warrior, you will be a fine knight," the king finished. "Let the celebrations begin." He strode back into the palace.

Around Nixie, the guards had started clearing the crowds from the square. Most, though, were scanning the faces of the crowd, ready to arrest, or kill anyone who looked suspicious of magic. Nixie thought she'd best be on her way...


my first part, hope you like it so far :)

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