Chpt 1: Introduction/ New beginnings

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WARNING: This first chapter has no dialogue. It's only the reader's character's explanation about what happened before she went back to Joey's Studio.
WARNING 2: The protagonist in this story acts like my BATIM OC. (Psychotic, clever, too much emotions, etc)
Please exit if you dislike the personality
Important words/slang
Devil's advocate: someone who's opinion causes an argument
Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
I'm your Huckleberry: A saying the protagonists (you) will say

   Their stares. They keep on watching me like they want to murder me. Well I guess the ink creatures don't have eyes but. . . The way they look at you when they crawl. . . The way the air escapes their mouths as if they were dying from the lack of oxygen. I had just chopped the last one's head with a old rusty axe as the thought of the past ran through my mind. Three years ago.
I just turned twenty-three and I was hired at Joey Drew's Animation Studio. I never really had artistic ability but I was gifted with a beautiful singing voice and the ability to write music sheets after music sheets. Mr. Drew appeared to be a sane and friendly man during my interview, but he had this aura. . . Or perhaps the look he was hiding something. But now I know he wasn't just hiding something small, he was hiding something dark and sinister. Revolting I must say. Sammy Lawrence was the head of the music apartment. Fortunately, I was assigned to work along his side. "Let's set things straight," he said when we first interacted. "I- well we all have no time to fool around. We only get so much time to work, work, and work. So don't play around got it?" It was interesting when we first met that day. . . Surprisingly we fell in love not long after.
But seven months ago he started to tell me about how he thinks Drew was up to something. He insisted that I should quit for my own safety but I declined. The next day he fired me, said I wasn't working my ass hard enough and told me our relationship was over. Being the emotional person I am, I stopped by the bridge not too far from the studio. I sobbed so hard. . . And I took the plunge. I couldn't live without him; I absolutely needed him. He was too important to me.
Then I woke up a week ago in the hospital to an IV in my arm and Elizabeth, my guardian from my childhood sitting in a chair next to me. I was not surprised that Sammy didn't appear. "When he leaves, he leaves,"I was told. Later after nonstop sleeping I decided to head back to work, minus the fact I never received any calls about coming back to office or anything bad happened.
    Little did I know I'd become insane

Hey fellow Mysteries, welcome to the first chapter of my first book. I hoped you enjoyed. I also apologize for the short chapter.I would appreciate feedback, ideas and some votes.
     Who knows what will happen next                chapter in Joey Drew's Inky Studio

Our Inky Love [Sammy Lawrence x psychotic Reader] (TAKING BREAK)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt