Chpt 6: The angel's arrival

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"Ugh," you flutter your eyes not knowing where you are. "Where's Sammy?" You looked around, not seeing a trace of him until Your eyes land on a piece of paper. You get off the couch and walked over to the desk with the paper.

Dear (Y/N),
I hope you slept well, I had to carry you to bed. You're such a klutz. I'm going out to finish some... Business. There's some bacon soup warmed on the table. You should eat up, you look like you haven't ate for... days. Don't run off too far, there's searchers everywhere; and treat yourself better. -S

You folded the letter back up as your lips lightly touched the paper. Sammy... carried me? You could feel your cheeks start to lightly burn as you bit the nail of your thumb. You fell back onto the couch as you daydreamed about the past.

"(Y/n)." Sammy nudged you as you slept at your desk. "I heard that they're selling mozzarella sticks at the drive-in theatre." Sammy whispered in her ear, knowing she'll wake up if it's about food.

"It's time to chow down!" (Y/N) squealed with excitement as she now was in a standing position with her index finger pointing towards the ceiling.  "Eh?" She opened her eyes and realized what Sammy had done. "Argh, Sammy!" (Y/n) was trying to bulldoze him into the wall with her head but unfortunately she was not able to.

"Y'know you're not gonna get anywhere like that~" Sammy purred as he gently pushed her to the wall. "You shouldn't play games you can't beat." (Y/N) gazed at his visible chest that was revealed by his open button up shirt.

"But I- umm... mm..." (y/n) spoke quietly as she twiddled her fingers. Sammy leaned in closer, locking eyes with the girl in front of him. "Hmm? What was that mumbles?" He smiled playfully to show he was only teasing you, but you still were embarrassed. "I'm not mumbles y'know!" She said with an attitude as she looked to the side. Sammy not only had one hand leaning against the wall, he now had both of his hands against it. "Tell you what, if you give me a kiss, I'll let you out of here." His smile made you giggle, it made you so glad to see him all happy, compared to when you first met him. You leaned up to his cheek and softly kissed him. "No, no no no. I don't do "that" ." He said from the back of his throat. He spinned you around and pulled you by your waist. His soft lips caress yours, as you swung your arms around his neck.

The door creaks like a toad as the door swings open. It's Susie. "Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't realize I'd be spoiling a moment. The boss is looking for you Sammy." Susie spoke in a polite tone, but you can see her reverting eyes gazing at you. "Umm, thanks... Susie. You better get back to work. Chop chop." Susie stood at the doorway as Sammy left you there, to continue with the drafts.

"Uhh, haha hi... Susie..." you started mumbling, because you were unsure of what to say. Susie didn't say anything, she only walked up to you, her shadow looming overtop of you. "Look here 'Miss Goodie Two-shoes," she snapped at you with a sarcastic look across her face. "I know that you're some big "star" in the studio and that you got Sammy wrapped around your finger but that ain't gonna last long." She condescendingly spoke as she checked her nails out. Her eyes met yours like bullets to a dartboard. "You see I have my ways of getting things around here, so I recommend ending this "cute, little dinky ass relationship as soon as possible." Susie flopped her hair and cat walked away as if nothing happened. Jesus she obviously has her issues she needs to deal with.

(Time skip/ your pov)

I found Sammy's shovel In a small closet in the corner of the cluttered room. I didn't have my axe anymore since he took it along with him when he left. I mean, where's the fun in slaughtering creatures without some toys?

"Well I must say, it's quite exquisite... how large the studio really is." You whispered to yourself as you walked past a huge structure that looked like the old cartoon character Alice Angel.
Another door? How wonderful! The more doors, "The more secrets.." you giggled at your own words, as they sounded so dark to you. It's not like you are that menacing, right?

You opened the door slowly and being the polite lady you are you closed it behind you. Music started to play, and little clips of Alice angel played on the screens around you. *click*

"Well this is calming." You muttered. As much as you liked thrills and the feeling of being risky, you had a bad feeling about this. You slowly walked up to the glass window, sliding your hand across the glass gently.


Well that's another mystery that's gonna be solved next chapter! Hope you're enjoying it so far~
Yes, I'm going to start some interactive chapters, starting next chapter. Tell me watchu think so far! Make sure to vote!
Also, we went from #225 to #218!

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