Chpt 7: The Beginning of the Angel's Game

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SOME ART I DID ABOVE :D! ( Her name is Yumie, and she's supposed to be my oc from BNA, and her beastman animal form is a fennec fox )


(Alice Angel's POV):
I shattered the glass with my fist as (y/n), the girl I have been stalking fell before me. "I BELONG IN THE HEAVENS YOU FILTHY ANIMAL!" I screamed with rage as she continued to scatter away on the floor. "You're so pathetic, leeching onto Sammy. For awhile I actually thought you had-"

I was cut off by her loud, high pitched laugh. She sighed as she wiped her eyes and picked herself up off the ground. "Oh please, spare me from your nonsense." She chuckled a little. "(Y/n)!? I knew you would get into trouble!" Sammy spoke abruptly as he he grabbed her shoulders and investigated her up and down.

(Y/N) looked over her shoulder and winked at me with a devilish grin. "Y'know Susie, you never really changed have you?" She purred as Sammy tucked her behind him. "My name is not Susie" I growled under my breath as I glared at her like arrows piercing through paper.

"Alice." My heart melted like ice cream on a sunny day in California as his deep, melodic voice called my name. "What do you want from me and (y/n)?" He pulled her closer to his chest in a protective manner, as if I was going to lunge out and sweep her out of his arms. That should be me.

"Well, I was going to use some of (y/n)'s body parts and such for my own benefit, but since it's now acknowledged by you I guess that means my plans are over." I condescendingly expressed as I checked out my inky like gloves. "We all know you're not just gonna let us of the hook though Alice~." (Y/n) declared with a tone of cheekiness in her voice.

Well perhaps I would've if you would've just shut up you unpure rat.
"Perhaps you could do, well you know.. some teensy, weensy, favors just for me." I reverted my eyes from Sammy to (y/n) as I tried my best to smile "politely". "I can give you my instructions over the speakers-" Sammy cut me off before I could say anything else. "No need, I have a note pad that we can write in."

Sammy and that girl walked out with the list of my instructions with them. Sammy better choose one of us right or else they'll be the first to get the taste of my new creation.


"(Y/N)" Sammy called you as you were gazing at the walls around you. "(Y/n)!"
You flipped your sight over to Sammy as he tucked the list into his bag. "Don't tale this wrong but um.." he mumbled as he looked down towards the floor. "You can hop on my back if you want... or you can hold onto my arm." He reached his hand out to you to grab.

(Go onto his back/ Sammy POV)
"I would LOOOOVE a piggy back ride!" (Y/N) squealed with excitement as I lowered myself down. As soon as she climbed onto my back I could barely feel her weight. "Have you been eating enough? You're so light, it's worrisome." I turned my head as I spoke firmly. "I think I've had enough to eat Sammy." She cooed me as she swung her arms around my neck. Why does this feel... so.. right?

"Sigh, we should really quiet down Samuel Lawrence." She told me with a half smirk on her face. "Now we're calling each other by our full names, (y/n) (l/n)?" (Y/n) stopped talking as her mouth froze, gaping at me. Oh god! "I- I just remembered your name!" I swooped her by the waist and spun her around to only hold her close. "S-Sammy?" My cheeks instantly turned red as soon as I realized what I did. "O-oh.. sorry.. haha" I awkwardly mumbled as I set her down.

(Hold onto his arm/Sammy POV)
"Is it okay If I hold onto your arm?"she looked up at me with her big puppy eyes. "God damnit why do you have to be so cute." I muttered as I pinched the bridge of my nose. Oh god, now she just went into shock. "YOU THINK IM CUTE?" She squealed as she squeezed my arm tight. "Well it's better than saying you're a toad."

I barked a laugh at my joke. I turned my gaze to (y/n) but she was pretending to pout with her bottom lip sticking out. "Now now, don't be so mopey because I was teasing you." I smiled at her as she laughed loudly. "Sigh, we should really quiet down Samuel Lawrence." She told me with a half smirk on her face.

"Now we're calling each other by our full names, (y/n) (l/n)?" (Y/n) stopped dead in her spot with her mouth gaping at me. Oh god! "I- I just remembered your name!" I swooped her by the waist and spun her around to only hold her close. "S-Sammy?" My cheeks instantly turned red as soon as I realized what I did. "O-oh.. sorry.. haha" I awkwardly mumbled as I set her down

(After choice (y/n) pov):

*plop... plop... plop*
I heard the strange noise from down the hallway as Sammy set me down. I clasp onto Sammy's hand as I met eye contact with him. In a low whisper I said, "Sammy.. did you hear that?" He nodded lightly as he pushed me back, unsheathing his axe.
"Stay here, I'll keep you safe."

WOOOOO okayyyy, so we're done dat chapter. Yes, the art above is mine, my own character thingy, my own art style, my own photo. If you have any art requestsk just follow me and shoot me a message~ ❤️

Our Inky Love [Sammy Lawrence x psychotic Reader] (TAKING BREAK)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin