Chpt 2: We meet again

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(Up above is the song you'll start singing later.)
Outfit you're wearing (please don't hate the style, it's the late 30's. (I mind you I might change the outfit later on.)

It's not 2020 in the story

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It's not 2020 in the story. It's placed in the late 30's

I had just chopped off the last one's head with a rusty axe. The searchers, they always end up finding you. I guess that's why they're called searchers. You laugh a high pitched laugh and sighed as you swung around in one of the old office chairs. You essentially became insane as soon as you entered into the studio once more. Emotions from your past overflowed your mind, like a pool with too much water. Of course you couldn't handle it. Instead of fighting it you excepted the outcome. Oh Sammy, Is this why you left me? You should've let me drown in this inky, dark abyss along with you.
You walked past the music machine down into the long corridor to where Sammy's office was. You slightly brushed his desk with your fingers, until you reached a envelope. You picked it up and read the name written on top. To (Y/N) .
"A letter... to me?" You mumbled as you tore it open. Tears start to fall gently off your cheeks splattered with ink, as the heart breaking words entered your mind.
Dear (Y/N),
By the time you read this letter you would know that I left you. Before I tell you why do NOT come back to the studio. The reason why I left you and fired you was because what Joey Drew's secret was. He wanted to make cartoon characters come to life. That's right. You heard it. I didn't want you to fall into his web of sinister lies and fantasies. Please.. forgive me.. (Y/N).
You wiped the tears if you're
cheeks and tucked the letter in your pocket. You wandered back and find your way into the recording room, so you decided to sing your emotions out. (Please listen to the song above as you read the lyrics :P)

You tell me that I'm crazy,
Doing this alone... you don't need to save me...  all I have grown..
I am capable of everything you can't see, but now I want to change
Just blow out the candles!
Oh, little boy when will you learn?
You don't play with fire,
Unless you wanna get burned, wanna get burned
Just blow out the candles!
Oh, how the tables they've have turned...
You don't play with fire!
Unless you wanna get burned, wanna get burned...
Something's sound just crazy, things you never know
But there's always that one maybe, that keeps stringing you along.
(Not realizing it someone started to record your voice and broadcast it through the speakers around the studio.)
Mmm, 'cause I am capable of everything you can't see
But now I want to change!
Just blow out the candles..
Oh, little boy when will you learn?
You don't play with fire!
Unless you wanna get burned, wanna get burned..
Blow out the candles! Oh, how the tables they've turned..
You don't play with fire, unless you wanna get burned, wanna get burned...
What is that, that I see, floating right in front of me?
Lock the door, try to leave, but now it's clear to me..
You didn't blow out the candles...
Oh, little boy you never learned
You don't play with fire!
But you're already burned, already burned
Blow out the candles!
Oh, little boy  you've never learned
You don't play with fire!
But you're already burned! Already burned!
Wanna get burned, wanna get burned..

You exit the recording room, but as soon as you took your first step 5 searchers crawl towards you. "Damnit, why can't I have an hour to myself?" You yelled as you threw your axe into the smallest one's head. "Well, I guess it does... entertain me." A devilish smirk grew as you pulled out a can of old water, sadly mixed with a little ink. I mean, at least you got water?
You continued back to the stairs until something hard hit your head. You fell down, as you managed to slightly hold your conciseness you heard a man with a deep voice say these exact words,

"Sheep sheep, time for sleep. Rest your head, it's time for bed. In the morning you may wake, or in the morning you'll be dead."
You managed to sputter out a few words surprisingly, "Sheep? How pathetic. I'm merely a wolf in sheep's clothing, false Shepard of this land." After you managed to throw those words out the man picked you up, and you fell asleep.

Our Inky Love [Sammy Lawrence x psychotic Reader] (TAKING BREAK)Where stories live. Discover now