Chpt 8: New discoveries

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^^^ Edgar/Striker has joined the story ^^^
*plop... plop... plop*
I heard the strange noise from down the hallway as Sammy set me down. I clasp onto Sammy's hand as I met eye contact with him. In a low whisper I said, "Sammy.. did you hear that?" He nodded lightly as he pushed me back, unsheathing his axe.
"Stay here, I'll keep you safe."

One of the old Butcher Gang members peaked out from behind the corner with a terrible hissss, escaping wherever it's mouth was. "Edgar?" (Y/n) called out with an odd excitement  a as the creature fell flat forward on it's face. "Or as we down below call it, Striker. Or one of the very few versions of him" Sammy grunted as he strikes towards Striker with his axe, but to the creature's luck it rolled away before Sammy could chop it's head off. Striker, or Edgar tumbled behind you to hide from Sammy. He could be my little pet.

"(Y/n)!! Look out!!" Sammy sprinted across the floor and shoved you to the side. Sammy swung his axe into the air but you lunged in front of him. "What the hell are you doing?" He yelled at you with a crack in his voice. "I don't think it has any intentions of hurting us Sammy!" You yelled back at him with your arms spread across. The little toon behind you wobbled around between you and Sammy, making little noises that melted your heart. Sammy set his axe down, sighing. He slightly moved his mask so you could see some of his face, and to your surprise you could see a huge grin spread across his face. "(Y/N), you're really special aren't you?" He chuckled. Edgar wobbled over to Sammy and started tugging on his suspenders.

Sammy's smile faded as he started to shake Edgar off him. "What do you want, I don't have anything for you." Sammy finally pulled it off and it hissed in annoyance. He came wobbling to you and he started to tug on your

 He came wobbling to you and he started to tug on your

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"I think it wants me to follow

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"I think it wants me to follow." You followed Edgar while Sammy trailed behind you with his hand grasping onto yours. "We shouldn't be following it (y/n)..." Sammy rambled off as he gazed at you. Edgar pointed at the box in the wall. "I'm gonna open it" (y/n) said with a smile gleaming on her face.

(Your POV):
I used all my might to open the box on the wall until It finally busted open. I pulled out the gear placed inside and investigated it. Edgar started tugging at my clothing, making little hiss noises again. It pulled out another gear from it's body and held it in the air. "Hey Sammy, I think it's trying to help us."

(Time skip)
Sammy grabbed me by the arm and shoved me into him. "S-Sammy... why did you do that?" I asked as my cheeks heated up. "You almost tripped into the ink." He responded with his cheeks starting to heat up as well. My eyes met his mask and we stood there with our bodies touching for what seemed to be eternity. He slowly removed his mask from his face and he dropped it.

I stood on the tips of my toes and leaned in. His lips met mine and they seemed to softly dance together. I pulled back and met his eyes. "I-I'm sorry.." I muttered as I continued to walk back to Alice's place with Edgar. Sammy stood there with his mask in hand and his free hand touching his lips.

(Sammy POV):
She... kissed me. I slowly touched my lips as my mind filled with thoughts. Knock it off Sammy, damnit. I followed (y/n) and her creepy pet back to Heavenly Toys as she hummed a happy toon. "That song... I know it." I told her. "Hmm? Pistol Packin' Mama?" She asked with a gleam in her eyes. I nodded with a soft smile spreading across my face.

She placed her hands on mine and spun me around. "We're not in some musical silly~" I chuckled as she danced with me. "Too bad." She teased me as I spun her.

[ Sammy is in bold/ y/n) in italic ]

Lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down
Oh, drinking beer in a cabaret
Was I having fun
Until one night she caught me right
And now I'm on the run
Oh, lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down
Oh, I'll sing you every night Bing
And I'll woo you every day
I'll be your regular mama
And I'll put that gun away
Oh, lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that thing down
Before it goes off
And hurts somebody
Oh, she kicked out my windshield
And she hit me over the head
She cussed and cried and said I lied
And she wished that I was dead
Oh, lay that pistol down, babe
Lay that pistol down
Pistol packing mama
Lay that pistol down

"Alright you two, knock it off I'm about to start dry-heaving." A feminine voice snapped from behind us. (Y/n) swung her arms around me and pulled me into her chest. "Oh, I'm sorry Alice. What was that?" She smiled with a hint of annoyance. Oh (y/n)... you should stop manipulating her like that.

Edgar tumbled from behind (y/n) and landed with his face on the floor. Alice shrieked with fury when she glanced at the creature. "How dare you bring this... foul, revolting, demon creature into my pure lands!"

(Y/n) picked it up and smiled at it. "You got to admit, he's quite the dazzling and adorable little creature." She met Alice's eyes but the only emotion in her eyes was hatred. "I'll kill you for bringing that damnation into my domain" Alice hissed as she took the gears from (y/n)'s hands.

"Alice, just remember we're the one's running errands for you" She condescendingly added while she was leaning against my shoulder. "Minus that, I would slit your throat before you could lay your angelic hands on me." She purred happily as she glared at Alice.

Sorry for the late chapter, my phone was taken last night (oopsie) 😅.
Hope you enjoy the "rivalry" between you and Alice.
Hehehe... next time my little mysteries 💕

Our Inky Love [Sammy Lawrence x psychotic Reader] (TAKING BREAK)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara