Chpt 11: Brute To The Bones

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The gate slammed shut behind me as I tumbled into the room. I looked around the area and it was relatively empty, with some bendy cutouts and games. Sammy... where is... Sammy!?

My heart started racing as I ran to the gate and banged my fists against it. No no no no...
A loud screech entered the speakers, the sound ringed in my ears painfully. "Now at last, you and Sammy dear are finally split apart. Of course I don't mean just physically." Alice chuckled behind the speakers.

"About that surprise... it's my gift to you." I walked forward with a steady pace but I kept vigilant for anything out of the blue. "Meet my beautiful, horrifying and latest creation," She sighed with happiness. "Brute Boris!"

The floor rumbled beneath my feet as a great big, giant 8'4, mutated Boris loomed over me. "Kill her! Kill her! I command you to as your master! Your creator!"

(Sammy POV)
Alice's voice was cut off from the speakers around me, and the floor started to move. Dear god Alice what the hell have you done?
I ran around the hallways that surrounded the inaccessible room.

I tried every door but nothing opened, until I went to the last door. I slammed the door open and treaded through the old desks and shit until I reached the next door. The sight in front of me was gruesome. A hulking Boris was cornering (y/n) as the axe on the floor laid in half.

My eyes met her's and she called out to me, catching the Boris's attention. I whistled at the creature and looked around the room for any weapons and tools. Dammit... I started to sprint to the end of the room where a open wall with a bunch of certificates were hanging. Climbing out of the wall, Brute Boris's arm fell off, making ink splatter everywhere.

"We need to make him run into the walls so he'll fall apart!" (Y/n) shouted as she ran towards me. "Look I'm sorry!" I rested my hand on her shoulder. "Look, it's really sweet but we have a monster chasing us and I'm still very, very pissed at you." She shoved my hand off and whistled at the giant.

Boris looked up at the two of us and started running. Me and (y/n) sprinted together and then went opposite ways. The second wall fell apart from the beast's impact, and it's other arm tore apart from it's torso. It's head seemed to be somewhat dangling off it's body, yet it was perfectly functioning.

"I don't think it's gonna die unless we cut off it's head." I called out to (y/n).
She nodded her head in response. "I agree but the axe is broken." She called back.

The Boris got up once again ran towards us, and me and (y/n) did the same thing once more. Think Sammy think, what can we do to decapitate it?? My mind raced once more until an idea struck.

"It's head is already dangling off it's body, why don't you and I just pull it off?" I yelled, as I made a sharp turn and halted. Brute Boris crashed into the wall for the last and final time. (Y/n) hesitantly walked towards the beast. I followed her steps, quickly tiptoeing towards her to catch up.

We reached the head of the creature and started to tug at it. It's last limb kicked around but it was too far away from us to do any damage. "Ready?" I asked with determination. "Ready." She responded back, but her determination seemed to be more powerful than mine.

We pulled as hard as we could until it's head flew away into the wall. (Y/n) landed on the floor with exhaustion, she clutched her arm and watched my every movement. "Hey..." I strolled towards her and lightly grabbed her arm. She looked away without a word and tried to pull her arm away.

"You need to show me. I don't want you getting infected with the ink." She glanced around me with eyes full of tears. "If that's what you wish then that's what you'll get." A soft smile took over her face, as she stared at her hand covering her arm. She let go of her grasp and revealed a deep cut that ink had managed to slither into.

I bit my lip in worry as I examined the wound. "We need to get you back immediately... before anything happens." I stood up and gently picked her light body off the ground. Her head leaned against my chest as she sighed. "I'm surprised, you haven't struggled." I softly chuckled as I reached the lift. She chuckled back and closed her eyes. "Yeah.. I'm probably too tired to care to be honest." She yawned as she pulled a strand of hair behind her ear.

I pressed the button to our floor as the lift's door slammed shut. We remained quiet until it was.. well too quiet. "(Y/n)?" I slightly shook her in my arms but she didn't respond. Worry spread through me like a wildfire as I shook her a little more. "(Y/n)?" To my prevail she fluttered her eyes open and quietly mumbled, "Can I help you?" I took a deep breath and sighed as I thought I lost her, even though you could say I was being paranoid.

(Your POV/ ??? POV)
It was a long walk back to our safe place, at least for Sammy. There were a few times where I fell asleep and Sammy panicked but it's just him being paranoid. He really hasn't changed... except he's obsessed with the Ink Demon. He calls him his deity. Doesn't he (y/n)? A dark voice slithered into my mind without my control. How long do you think you two will make it? I personally think you won't last. It chuckled mischievously.

Who are you? I asked in my head. An angel? A demon? Someone I use to know? The only response I received was silence. Time passed until the voice returned.

I am you, and you are I.

I'm really sorry for not updating sooner. But here's the chapter ;). See you next dream ❤️.

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