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Gogo Tomago: This is the story of how I died.
Don't worry, this is actually a very fun story and the truth is, it isn't even mine. {she chuckles}
This is the story of a boy named Hiro and it starts with the moon.

Now, once upon a time, a single drop of moonlight fell from the heavens and from this small drop of moon, grew a magic, silver flower. It had the ability to heal the sick and injured.
Oh, you see that old man over there? You might want to remember him. He's kind of important.

Well, centuries passed, and a hop skip and a boat ride away there grew a kingdom. The kingdom was ruled by a beloved King and Queen.
And the Queen, (well,) she was about to have a baby. She got sick. Really, sick.
She was running out of time, and that's when people usually start to look for a miracle. Or in this case, a magic silver flower.

Ah, I told you he'd be important. You see, instead of sharing the moon's gift, this man, James Callaghan, hoarded its healing power and used it to keep himself young for hundreds of years, and all he had to do was sing a special song.

James: "Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock reverse
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine"

All right, you get the gist. He sings to it, he turns young, creepy, right?
Guards: "We've found it!"

{they let the queen drink the water with the flower on it}

The magic of the golden flower healed the queen.

A healthy baby boy, a prince was born.
I'll give you a hint: that's Hiro.
To celebrate his birth, the King and Queen launched fireworks into the sky. And for that one moment, everything was perfect.

And then that moment ended.
James: "Flower, gleam and glow
Let your power shine
Make the clock re-" {he gasps when the boy's hair glowed as silver and when he cuts it, it turns into permanent plain silver itself}

James broke into the castle, stole the child and just like that-

The kingdom searched and searched but they could not find the prince. For deep within the forest, in a hidden tower, James raised the child as his own.

Young Hiro: "Heal what has been hurt
Change the fate's design
Save what has been lost
Bring back what once was mine
What once was mine"

James had found his new magic flower, but this time he was determined to keep it hidden.
Young Hiro: "Why can't I go outside?"
James: The outside world is a dangerous place, filled with horrible, selfish people. You must stay here, where you're safe. Do you understand, Hiro?"
Young Hiro: Yes daddy.

But the walls of that tower could not hide everything.

Each year, on his birthday, the King and Queen released thousands of fireworks into the sky, in hope that one day, their lost prince would return.


Hiyaa! Another Fanfic for Hirogo & Tadahoney shippersss!
So this is inspired by @BigHero6Lover because she made a Frozen & Big Hero 6 crossover so I was thinking of doing Tangled & Big Hero 6 crossover instead. Hihih. Well, she's better than I am tho. Be sure to read her story too!

I don't own any characters here. But I own the story & THE COVER :))

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