1~ Your Job

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Okay, looking back on this like a year later, it's super crappy. Sorry. Maybe I'll fix it one day. Anyways I will try to persuade you to read farther than this because it's crap to me.


Job: 2nd grade teacher

You walked into school that day, the very first day. New students would be arriving in about 15 minutes and you were excited. Teaching was something you wanted to do, but not until you were older had you decided to go to school for it. As the new second graders piled in, you assigned them their lockers and introduced yourself. You then played many games getting to know your students better, and before any of you knew it it was time for you and the children to go home.  You sent them off to the buses excited for the next new school day coming. You went home to Alex, who had made dinner and you talked about your amazing day.


Job:  Hot Topic Store Manager

You walked into your local mall around 7am to open the Hot Topic, your job. You loved being there, helping people and just listening to the music playing throughout the store. You knew the store so well before you even could work there. When you were 16 you applied, and now at 23, you were manager. As you helped someone get something that was too high for you or your coworkers to reach, you heard a familiar voice ask you where the new All Time Low shirts were. As you turned around, you were met with your boyfriend, Jack Barakat's face. Jack decided to come in and take you to lunch on your break. How sweet.


Job: Starbucks Barista

You walked into your local Starbucks around 5am, ready for the morning rush. You were going to be here all day. For ten hours, with two 15 minute breaks, other than bathroom breaks you were going to make hot coffees for business people and overly excited 15 year old girls in uggs. But you loved it. You were away from the world, but still in it, fueling life into people who either hate or love their jobs. And putting a smile on some peoples faces was just amazing to you. Even though some people can be rude. "Excuse me" you heard someone say. "Hi, what can I get for you?" You asked politely as it was 6:30 am.

"I'll have a peppermint mocha grande with whipped cream" "coming right up, what's your name?" You asked so you could call it when the order was ready "Greg". You gave him the total and he payed, and you called his order no more than 2 minutes later.  "You call this service? *takes sip* and this tastes terrible" "Excuse me" you said clearly pissed off, "I made exactly what you ordered in two minutes sir, and I'm sorry but we are backed up right now, so if you don't enjoy what you just got in the amount of time I made it, please go talk to my boss about that, thanks". This was going to be a long day.


Job: Hair dresser

You had 14 appointments today in 10 hours, you were over booked. Some wanted the full treatment, color, style, cut, everything. You had a 5 year old coming in for their first hair cut. You had a 14 year old getting some of her hair blue. A couple people even wanted their eyebrows done too. Zack and you were supposed to go to dinner and a movie, but you might hold off if you get home later than expected and just have a night in. By the time your 10th appointment came in, you knee exactly what time you would be home, 7:30pm. That's perfect. If the day hadn't gone according to plan, and that 5 year old showed up with her mother who wanted everything done to her own hair (luckliy they didn't) then your day with Zack would be ruined, but it wasn't.

Hope you Liked it. Throw a comment and give it a vote if ya did. Probably will update tomorrow. Bye

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