5~ What You Do On Friday Nights

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Friday nights were your nights to shine. You would make your favorite dinner and Alex would come home. You guys would eat and then get into PJs and start making a fort in the living room. Kitchen chairs, sheets, pillows, comforters whatever you could find made up the fort. You guys would joke around and laugh while watching  80's movies like The Breakfast Club and Grease. Eating all the ice cream and popcorn in the house would also happen. Eventually you would end up falling asleep with Alex in the fort early in the morning. And Alex loved it. He loved watching you do everything and just being yourself, laughing and having a good time. And he loved how you knew every word to the movies you picked, loved your food, and loved when you fell asleep on him. He would sometimes just sit there and watch you sleep, thinking of how much he loved you, how lucky he was to have you, and how many new memories he wants to create with you.


Fridays, oh what an epic conclusion to the week. Jack and you would go out on the town every Friday. Getting drunk, going to bars, clubs, and one time you even crashed a wedding. You actually just stayed the entire night, having fun and partying hard. You even got to know the bride and groom a little bit more who had no clue who you were at the beginning of the night, but by the end they felt like they'd known you for years. Jack went to the kereoke machine, chose a song, and he chose "I Will Survive" by Gloria Gaynor, everyone laughed and sang along to the weird "punk rock" dude on stage singing his heart out. The Bride and Groom told you later that it was the best wedding they could've dreamed of. And let's just say that Jack had a LOT of fun that night, and not just at the reception .


On Fridays, Rian just liked to take you out on a nice dinner alone. Just the two of you, no one else to bother you, only an emergency could stop the night from happening. Afterwards, you would go home and play board games. You had a whole bunch of game names in a hat, and one of you would pick a name, and that was the game you would play. One night you got Monopoly and stayed up until 3am playing it. You won, having the most money and properties, making Rian bankrupt. And that's how you liked to spend your Fridays.


Fridays were the days you just liked to have to do something adventurous with Zack. You would drive to the middle of no-where sometimes and just sit on the hood of the car, talking listening to music, and looking at the stars. Sometimes you would go to the skate park, which wasn't open at night, sneak in and just fool around. Other times you would go take photography around outside in the wilderness or the city. You really didn't know what you were going to do that day, Zack always surprised you. One day it was dinner and a movie. One time it was a concert. You didn't know, and you liked it that way. You wanted to be surprised that's why it was an adventure. And as long as you were with Zack every step of the way making new memories, you were okay with whatever was thrown at you.


Heeey it's me. If you were wondering about me my names Cali and I'm 14 and I live in NY state. I really hope you guys are enjoying these. BTW is ATL coming close to you? My three friends and I are going to the Rochester one. Well Dubai!

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