this is me trying

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This is me trying
Trying to keep you
Trying to hide you
Trying to hold on to our good memories, and bad

This is me trying
Trying to not forget you
Trying to not erase you
Trying to not escape you

This is me trying
Trying to not become too attached to you, so you'd leave me
Trying to not make you bored,
So you'd go to bed early tonight

This is me trying
Trying to forgive you
Trying to forget you
Trying to erase you
trying to escape you

This is me still trying
Still trying to forget you
Forget all the pain you caused
And move on like you did
But I'm still trying

Four months now and I'm still trying
Maybe if I ever gave up trying
you'd leave me this time

for The 1975 lover.

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