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It's 6 Pm, you still on my mind
When I've seen you I wished I was blind
So I won't feel this miserable now
Certainly I won't see you once again
So I could finally get to know your name and touch your beautiful hair
We'd take talking about the stuff we love
About music and rainbows and my dogs
I'd hold you for seconds or maybe for years
So you'll be close to me
We'll live happily ever after in our small house
And we'll go to the theatre whenever you want
Stranger Stranger
How can I escape from you?
Your hair I worship
And your face I want to see
Stranger Stranger
Give me a sign
So I could finally find you
Or sleep peacefully at least
Stranger Stranger
Where are you?
I'm going crazy without you

for the stranger I saw in the street

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