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She looks around, twice
Trying to recognise those faces behind her

She looks around, one more time
To stare closely at those faces behind her

She keeps wondering
How did she end up there

She looks around, one last time
To find everyone in the place desappaired
But she still can hear them laughing
Gossiping about her

She keeps wondering
Where are they hiding
...she doesn't know

But she still sitting on the floor
Hearing them gossiping about her

She still sitting on the floor
Wishing she'd go deaf
But the voices get louder

She looks behind her
And see hundred of fingers pointing at her
But what have she done?
...she doesn't know herself

She stands with all her might
But the voices keep on holding her down
...she falls

As she falls all the voices went silent
Or was she the one who died?

For the one who tears her skin with broken glass form her mirror.

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