Where does the love go when it's gone?

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"I love you"
I read it once, twice
Hundred times
It still sound the same
But I'm reading it slowly now
That I could feel the space between its letters
Almost infinite
I look closely at it
I see a whole world there
Not a one who's similar to ours
A world where my love for you has gone
A world where my fairy unicorn is living
The one I told you about

"I love you"
I read it hundred times
So It doesn't sound the same
No, not anymore
Bur when I read it slowly
I still can feel it
I still can see a whole world beyond the words
And when I stare at it
I feel myself there
In an endless space
Where all my feelings for you has gone

"I love you"
Look closely at it
You might find me

"I love you"
This is where I am now
Laying peacefully
Waiting for you to come

for The 1975 lover.

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