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It's 4 Am
Now it's the time to put my loud music on and fade away
Am I getting crazy?
Because I can't control it
When they come to pick me up I just can't resist
I'll lock the door and put my loud music on
So no one could hear me talking to myself
Or am I talking to them instead?
Only god knows how much I hate them
When they come to me at 4  Am
And I'll look at them while talking
But it's just the void I'm looking at
Now I'm used to it
Sometimes I enjoy it, I admit
But I come back to blaming myself for it
Because I can't focus on doing my work
And that'd what they want
They want me lost between my thoughts
And every 4 Am they'll come to me again
To take me away to their world
And my name would be "crazy" in this world

-About my condition that I couldn't understand-

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