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When I stand in the mirror
I could see you
I cloud see the dark circles you have around your eyes
I could see all the stretch marks you have
And I counted them once
But I still see you beautiful

When I stand in the mirror
I could see you
I could see your hair,
Your ruined hair
And I want to tell you that I've seen you naked

When I stand in the mirror
I could see you
And I like it
So why don't you like it?
Why don't you like your reflection?
Because I really do
And I want to tell you that I found all the mirrors you broke, hidden inside your bed

And I like you
Please do the same for yourself
Stop ruining your reflection
Because it is beautiful
Please stop breaking your mirrors
Please stop hurting yourself and collecting the broken pieces
And please stop hating yourself

And I want to tell you that I've seen you once naked and it was beautiful

for the one who tears her skin with broken glass form her mirror.

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