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I hope you doing well down there
It's been a while since I last saw you

Tell me, how's the lighting
Do they serve you well cooked food?
Or do you sleep hungry everynight?

I hope you doing well down there
It's been a while since I last saw you

Tell me, how do you sleep down there?
Do you feel cold when it rains?
Does the sand between your bones bother you?

I hope you doing well down there
It's been a while since I last saw you And Will I ever see your face again?

I hope you doing well down there
And I wanted to tell you few things
...When I finish I'll go and never come again I promise

I wanted to tell you
We haven't forgot you
In case you wondering and I know you are

I wanted to tell you
Your son loves you
The one you loved the most
Loves you, more than you thought he would
...I saw him crying in the corner once
Because he never wanted you to leave

I saw him crying in the corner once
You weren't there to hug him and tell him it's going to be alright
But I know you heard him crying

You still alive in our hearts
You still alive, you never left us

Been a while since I saw you
And I hope you doing well down there

For the women with white hair.

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