Chapter 32

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"I feel like we haven't talked in ages." Jolene smiled, tapping her pen against the paper. "How've you been? I remember you didn't come to class like two weeks ago. You never miss Monday's, was everything okay?"

There's a ball in my throat before it leaves a split second later and I smile, "Oh, yeah, everything was fine. I just felt too ill to come in so I decided to actually spend a day in and rest. That seemed to be all I needed."

She grins and I know she believes my lie entirely. "Good, I'm glad! How're things with Kade?" There's a glint of mischief in her eyes and I can't help but blush and shrug my shoulders.

"They're actually really good," I play with the piece of fabric I had in hand, "Really good. I'm meeting his dad tomorrow, in fact."

Jolene's eyes widen, "Already? I mean, that's great! Things must be serious then."

"They are. He's already met my parents and it seemed like the most natural thing ever... I really, really like him."

"Really, really like him?" Another glint is evident in her eyes and I know it's no longer mischief. "Are we saying really, really because you have confessed how you really, really, really like him?" Laughing at her antics I roll my eyes and playfully hit the side of my arm, biting my lip silently. She takes my silence as an answer and her eyes widen comically before she gasps.

"No fucking way- you actually lo-,"

"Jolene, settle down." The professors says from another person's table, eyes narrowing by the slightest. We had a pretty chatty class and everyone usually talked but things were more tense now that we were nearing the end of the year. Two months until it was over, and two months until I'd maybe be out of here.

Maybe. I didn't receive any type of email yet and to say I was feeling good about it still would be a complete and utter lie. My dad, Caroline and Kade's previous attempts to reassure me that they were just taking their time flew out the window and I found myself refreshing my email a bit too many times. Doubt was all too prominent in me for reassurance to work.

"Sorry." She smiles apologetically to the teacher, before turning around and dropping the mask for her surprised expression again. I smile, grinning from ear to ear, "Do you actually?"

"I think." I say, "But I haven't told him yet. I might- soon. I just want to wait for the perfect time. I'm not so sure if there'll even be one though with me possibly moving."

Jolene sighs, "Oh, shoot. I forgot about that. You haven't gotten an email yet?"

"Nope. My dad says that's to be expected but... I don't know. I don't have that good feeling in me anymore."

"I'm sure it'll be fine." She smiles reassuringly, resting her hand on top of mine. "If you think about it differently, this could actually be the perfect way to tell him. Maybe buy something that he can keep when you do leave, and you will," Jolene states, "and then tell him then. So he'll know you're really committed."

My face lights up and I can't help but feel excited again at her words. "That's actually an amazing idea! What would he even want, though? I don't think he's the type to want.. I don't know, feminine things?"

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