Kunnakudiyil Shashti..Naal ondru

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[A/N : Hello all..finally managed to write the next chapter on this one..this is a plot that didn't happen in the actual story..but wanted to write it nonetheless..also Shashti is the 6 days immediately after diwali each year and culmimates with soora samhaaram on the 6th day..so timeline wise also it is wrong..but please ignore that detail please..am a little rusty with this one..so please do let me know if something is amiss..]

The euphoria of the one year anniversary was fading off...but it left a blanket of happiness at its wake..

Kathir and Mullai were in a very happy place

The did not feel embarassed to make eyes at each other..in fact they had eyes only for each other

As soon as he had his bath and was back in his room his eyes would search for her..he would be satisfied only after she came into the room..with his favourite ...Masala Tea..

On one such day he was busy making eyes at her through the mirror while applying the sacred ash and he accidentally got some in the eye..she had helped blow it out and puff his eye for him..she had ended this by placing her hand on his forehead and blowing of the excess ash that could at anytime fall in his eye

When this became a regular occurrence Mullai put a stop to it by applying the ash herself and blowing on it gently..this became the new routine..

But another thing happened as a by product of this..the first time completely intoxicated by her proximity and her fresh off the shower fragrance..he had given her a cheek(y) kiss..leaving her in a dazed stupor rubbing absently at her cheeks

The good thing was this soon became an everyday ritual..a goodbye kiss as he left to the shop

He had found the cargos that she got him so comfortable that he had gotten himself another pair.. he actually found them very practical ..all those packets with zippers to keep his mobile and collection cash..and unlike the dhoti this stayed put securely with the belt..but he also wore the dhoti on days in between..

The family had looked at him agape when he left to shop dressed like that..but none said a word..

Even his customers passed a few good natured comments..but the common thread was how smart he looked and how he was finally wearing age appropriate clothes..

Kathir simply smiled and said nothing

He thought back an year..and how he was..how his life had changed...he was never a recluse but everyone thought that of him...so much so that he believed it himself..but the fact was he didn't like being alone..he just talked less...but he loved sitting with his family and listen to them talking..he was always better at one-on-one conversations..which is why he knew all the small vendors by name..he would have tea and if business was slow he would chat the shop owner up..he would stand around as his punctured tyre was serviced and make small talk..in fact he would help along...but in large groups he was usually silent..so no one at home really tried chatting with him when alone..

But she was different..she spoke to him..initially it had been arguments..then it was to discuss family matters...but slowly it had changed...they started talking about them..each other...as a unit..she was more open in expressing her wishes..be it for him or from him for her..

They still had their arguments..even just before the wedding anniversary..right after Meena's parents had come home they had had a major argument...

The ladies had sat discussing their plans for the anniversary..

And once they were done Mullai went in and got ready to go to the temple..

Dhanam : innikkum koil poriya..

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