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The night after Miyasaki received her acceptance letter, Toshinori had called her, asking to meet at the beach where they had ran into each other. The one where she met Midoriya. 

"Toshi, why'd you call me here?" Masuyo said, keeping her eyes forward as she watched the calm waves of the shoreline. She walked to All Might's side whom of which had been staring at the ocean when she arrived. He was in his true form so she avoided calling him by his hero name. A couple was down at the docks, she wouldn't risk it.

"I just wanted to congratulate you personally for passing the exam. I didn't get to do that last night so, Congratulations." He said with a smile though he still didn't look at her.

"Masuyo, how are you?" Toshinori inquired when he didn't get the response he expected.

"I'm fine." She answered shortly. She didn't mean to sound rude but she didn't get a good night's sleep from the other night. Her nightmares plagued her.

Her tone caused Toshinori to tear his eyes away from the ocean and look down as he was much taller than her. Her face held the same cold expression to it.

"Is there something wrong, Masuyo?" He asked, a bit concerned of the change in attitude towards him. Usually, he would be tackled to the ground by now. Toshinori studied her before bringing his hand up and gently cupped her cheek.

Unconsiously, Masuyo nuzzled her face to his hand before freezing in place when she realized what she did. Toshinori raised a brow at this but didn't comment.

Clearing her throat, "Gomen"

Way to show how touch starved you are

"Is there something wrong, Masuyo?" Toshinori repeated, his tone telling her that he would not take a simple 'I'm fine' for an answer.

Letting out a tired sigh, Masuyo closed her eyes, "It's nothing. I've just been having nightmares, that's all. I'll be fine in a few days." She said.

"It's something when it's clearly bothering you. You can tell me."

"I... I can't right now, Toshi. I'm sorry. Thank you for your concern and for congratulating me though, I appreciate it."

Before Toshinori could inquire further, the sound of someone running caught their attention. Toshinori's hand dropped from her face as they both turned to the familiar figure coming.

"You called Midoriya, too?"

Toshinori nodded, his eyes trained on Midoriya.

"All Might!" Midoriya shouted, there were tears in his eyes.

This caused Toshinori to tense and spit out blood. Masuyo shot a glance at him, knowing that the couple at the dock heard the Broccoli's loud voice.

"Who is that?!" Toshinori said loudly trying to hint Midoriya of the couple.

"All Might? No way! Where?" The couple exclaimed from their spot.

She sighed and walked over to the Broccoli, "Repeat after me. 'I had the wrong person'." She glared as she whispered harshly towards her Broccoli companion.

Midoriya got flustered and started doing exaggerated movements before loudly saying, "Oh, I had the wrong person!"

"Aw, what?"

"I was hoping to see him..."

It worked. Both Toshinori and Midoriya let out a relieved sigh. Masuyo clenched her fist and hit Midoriya on the head.

Midoriya rubbed his head and apologized sheepishly.

"Thank you, Masuyo," Toshinori said.

"Congrats on getting accepted," Toshinori said, holding up a hand to Midoriya.

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