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our determined little red head had spent his entire lunch period the very next day gathering intel on this imitable cho chanhyuk, unexpectedly having no luck. he curiously progressed all throughout the school this day with his amount of knowledge furthering in chanhyuk leveling from little to nonexistent. It seemed as if no one was aware of chanhyuk's existence, or rather they didn't know him by name.

the only few clues he had convened from one of his many friends was the timid fact that chanhyuk was a lone wolf. isolated from the buzzing ignorant gesture of student socialism. distant fogged eyes never shifting from his very own fabrication little world he'd find himself in often as everyday played out. he rarely came to school, never interacted with anyone he didn't need to. and he was said to be intimidating. scary.

though minsu was soon to get a girlfriend and become a man. so he consciously pushed out a creeping feeling of fear before it settles into his stomach.

midway through lunch period and he had given up on looking for chanhyuk. he was questioning whether or not he even attends this school anymore, since he himself had never seen this compelling student.

minsu was about to head back to the cafeteria when he noticed he'd left his lunch bag on the second floor in his classroom. dissatisfied, the small male tiredly progressed up the stairs leading to the floor. at the very top located at the end of the stairway, he noticed the lock to the school's roof top entrance was broken. taken aback by the slightly bent and defeated state the metal lock was in, the red head's lunch completely slipped his mind, quickly substituted with the filling sentiment of peculiarity as he hesitantly reached for the door knob.

kim minsu was a good student. always on time, rarely tardy and never skipped a lesson. so why on earth was every inch of his body pushing him to walk through this finally unlocked door and rule over the only forbidden area of this school? he didn't understand why he was so curious to discover this unknown roof top but he amazingly managed to push aside his doubt and questions just as he pushed open the door.

it was bright, and so fresh. had the air felt this good on his pale, freckled skin before? he didn't remember this tingling wind seeping into him, this entire experience newfound.

his brown eyes adjust to the sun peaked in the blue sky. sun rays melting into his skin, wrapping him in a comforting warmth. the serene mood instantly dying out once minsu caught whiff of a flagrant scent crippling the unalloyed air of it's vibrance.

unconsciously, he scrunched his nose in distaste as he turns his head, body instantly searching for the stem of the smell. his eyes widen in slight surprise once his gaze falls upon a tall blonde boy, back to minsu as he gushes wicked clouds of smoke, drenching the air with the unpleasantness of tabacco, something the cherry haired boy oh so despised.

"hey!" minsu calls out without minding the reasons he'd want to strike up conversation with this unfamiliar, tower like blonde boy before him. minsu crosses his arms in attempt to make himself look 'bigger' once this blonde swiftly turns his head, cool glazed eyes dark as if they dwelled in a nightmare's shadow suddenly meeting minsu's coffee colored ones.

"y-you really shouldn't smoke." minsu struggled to avoid stumbling over his words with those undeniably scary eyes on him as he had to remind himself, I'm scary too!

"they say if you smoke cigarettes, your teeth will fall out and your bones will turn to jellow!" minsu practically threatens as a serious look crosses his features.

the blonde instantaneously smirks, now turning around fully, trailing a way towards the smaller, looking amused as minsu gulped audibly.

he now towered over the cherry haired boy, a bit closer than minsu preferred as he responded,
"who says that? your mommy?"

at which point minsu realized how childish he sounded before and now felt so embarrased he could crumble to the ground.

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