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minsu couldn't stop thinking about how embarrassing the early morning situation of today was as it played over and over in his mind. he lied in his bed now, outside dark as the day approached it's end. his eyes lingered on the gentle clouds of midnight that sketched the night sky. his saturday almost over already.

he had sent chanhyuk home just an hour after his mom arrived as she wouldn't stop spilling embarrassing contents of minsu's younger years. that was about around the time he practically kicked chanhyuk out of his house being that he had to since chanhyuk seemed to be enjoying himself way too much.

all these humiliating moments filled his brain, occupying his thoughts when he should be counting sheep by now.

he grabbed his phone by the night stand, clicking the power button but not bothering to unlock it as he only desired to check the time. it read 12:04. he let out a frustrated sigh. he had a feeling he wouldn't get to sleep tonight. not only because of the embarrassing contents of earlier but unfortunately, the scary movie he watched with chanhyuk seemed to play on his mind.

minsu flinched once his phone still in his hand began to buzz, screen lighting up as the words chanhyuk hyung flashed on the screen, indicating an incoming call from the name.

minsu sat up, clearing his throat. he had no idea why he was so nervous, mentally preparing himself to answer the phone. they had texted before but chanhyuk had never called him. this was the first.

maybe that's why he was so nervous.

"h-hello?" minsu answers softly, voice almost a whisper as he wasn't suppose to take phone calls this late and usually he never does, though here he made an exception.

"hey are you home?" he hears chanhyuk's familiar deep voice in his ear right after his own greetings, almost cutting minsu off.

"yeah, why?" the younger answers, puzzled.

"I'm outside, come out." chanhyuk instructs the still confused red head over the phone.

"oh? did you forget something?" minsu asks. the line stays quiet for a moment.

"just come outside dumbass." chanhyuk finally answers with his usual insult. though minsu doesn't bother to upset as he realized the older sounded strange...
almost sad?

he didnt bother to argue or whine about being called a name like he usually did and just answered, "okay." before chanhyuk ended the call. without another word as his mind was busy trying to understand why chanhyuk needed him to come outside, he left his room and quietly snuck out to his front yard where he caught sight of chanhyuk standing on the sidewalk, seemingly deep in thought.

"hey hyungie." minsu greets chanhyuk with his usual cheerful tone, yet his voice was a bit stiff as the cold of the night bit at his skin.

"you're an idiot. why would you come out here without a sweater?" chanhyuk asks rhetorically as he begins to tug off his own jacket, minsu soon after realizing why the older was doing this.

minsu waves his hands slightly as he speaks, "sorry sorry, but you dont need to give me your jacket hyung! I'm fine!" he replies nervously.

"it's fine." chanhyuk says softly as he steps closer to minsu, placing the two inches from eachother as he wraps his jacket around minsu's frail frame. it only takes him a second after he's done to realize how large their size difference actually is. chanhyuk being much taller and broader while minsu was short legged and thin.

"wow. you're tiny." chanhyuk comments casually and quietly chuckles when he sees the other boy roll his eyes.

"anyways, what'd you come here for again?" minsu asks, turning his head slightly up to meet eyes with his hyung, finding it difficult due to the dark lighting, only relying on the moonlight bathing their skin.

"i just didn't feel like going home." chanhyuk shrugs. minsu feels proud that chanhyuk decided to spend time with him rather than any of his other friends. he takes it as a good sign that the two are definitely getting closer.

"well, then how about we uh...go in my house." minsu says sheepishly as he glances behind him, chanhyuk notices how he began to nervously play with the over sized sweater sleeves. chanhyuk smirks once minsu's strange behavior clicks.

"are you thinking about the movie we watched yesterday? and the scene where the girl is being watched from afar by the killer as she stands right outside of her house to unlock the door? almost exactly like how we are right now?" chanhyuk says suspensefully with a grin in his tone and minsu quickly groans in despair, knowing very well his hyung is trying to scare him.

and it's working.

minsu waddles towards his hyung, much closer than before as he grabs chanhyuk's sleeve and whines, "hyung stop, I'm getting creeped out!"

chanhyuk just laughs and easily slips one of his hands atop minsu's head, burrowing his fingers in the soft mess of red hair.

minsu pouts and grumbles childishly while chanhyuk is still occupied with combing his fingers through the smaller's hair. though minsu pauses slightly once he feels chanhyuk slip the same hand he was using just moments ago to ruffle minsu's hair down to cup the smaller's cheek, surprising minsu.

"you feel cold. we should go inside already." chanhyuk says in a strangely soft tone and minsu feels nervous, he just nods.
"before the killer sees us." chanhyuk adds and as soon as he does minsu shoves the laughing hyung away grumpily and stomps his way to his front door.

chanhyuk watches as minsu twists the front door's knob then stand still for what feels like an entire minute.

"what're you waiting for?" chanhyuk questions but the smaller stays silent a little longer.

"hyung...." minsu finally begins,

"I locked us out."

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