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chanhyuk had been having a bad day ever since he left the comfort of minsu's home. it began moments after entering his own residence, his father's presence storming into his knowledge as soon as the whiskey scent filled his nose. air contaminated with the stench of alcohol and sex. mr. cho had brought another silly woman home, to fill her stomach with different toxins with intentions of numbing her mind and groping her body as they giggle drunkenly.

though chanhyuk hadn't seen or heard from his father in two weeks, this was his greeting. it was expected. chanhyuk's father had always been someone to party. alcohol being his best yet worst friend, as it led to the downfall of his family, and mindless good times of blurry memories. he was irresponsible, and at times it seemed like he had forgotten he had a son. this very situation chanhyuk had walked in on was the perfect example.

his father passed out on the floor with bottles of beer scattered, littering the ground around the drunk. and an unfamiliar girl sprawled out of the couch, shirtless with nothing more than a bra on. chanhyuk scowled at the scene. he knew all too well how he would somehow become responsible of cleaning up this mess later and the very thought deepened his frown as he stared down at his snoring father, more disappointed than angry. resentment filled him.

after this he simply walked right back out of the door. away from his house, dirty and depressing. he hardly ever spent time there when his father decided to show back up. he found it best to avoid him. to avoid their problems. as long as possible.

so he went to his usual spot atop his highschool. the rooftop. he had access to it after school hours, weekends as well. not necessarily with permission though he found a way, so who was to stop him?

he lied on the solid flooring for hours. distracting himself with meaningless things. his phone stretched to hang above his face as he was on his back, arms holding the device up high for him to see.
the familiar position reminding him of one instance where as minsu lied in a similar position beside him, thin arms holding his own phone high as well. he whined, asking how chanhyuk could hold his phone like this for so long without his arm's strength faltering. suddenly, minsu's own arms seemed to fail him as his phone slipped from his hold, falling down with a direct hit on his nose.

afterwards chanhyuk consoled the whining boy. the memory played in his head vividly, and a chuckle slipped from his lips.

he recalled how afterwards the two compared biceps, confirming why minsu so easily dropped his phone due to the quick rate his arms tire. they were small and thin, even thinner looking next to chanhyuk's arm then. chanhyuk's was much thicker, packing an impressive amount of muscle for his age. his complexion a few shades darker, with a slight gold glow to it. he found that minsu's arm was white, slim and pretty. he looked like a porcelain doll in comparison.

after comparing arms, the two joked around a bit more. they arm wrestled, with chanhyuk being the obvious victor. laughed and snacked on sweet breads as they talked about meaningless things. simply there to bask in each other's presence. the memory so calm and relaxing. easily distracting chanhyuk's mind from the bitter feeling that lurked in his stomach due to having seen his dad a few hours ago.

before he knew it, time had passed and the sun was setting quickly as it usually did this time of year. the days were shorter as the night claimed few of those hours. he missed minsu. the little one always lifted his spirits whether chanhyuk wanted to admit it or not. and right now he needed him. because unfortunately merely the recall of these memories with the cherry haired boy was not enough.

this was the simple telling of how chanhyuk had ended up in front of minsu's house at midnight. he originally thought the two were going to goof around for a little and then fall asleep on the couch together again, yes this he looked forward to.

this plan went to hell as his younger revealed he accidentally locked to two out of his own house.

"I locked us out."

strangely enough chanhyuk still didn't regret coming to see minsu yet. but he did worry about them freezing to death by morning if they didnt find a way into minsu's house.

"you did what?"

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