• 05 •

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minsu might've said he'd join chanhyuk for lunch as if it was a breeze yesterday, but today now that he was here standing in front if a scowling chanhyuk who so obviously wished for nothing more but for minsu to quite frankly, dissapear from his sight, it become a much more difficult predicament.

"h-hey!" minsu greets with a pathetically high pitched tone (as if his voice wasn't high enough already) as he nervously approached chanhyuk who sat on the ground this time instead of standing as the two met before, back being supported by the same gate. lips pressed together into a very displeased frown as he sucked on the hearty taste of his tobacco stick one again.

"...what are you doing here?" chanhyuk asks blankly, patience running thin as he stares down the little boy now sitting himself right next to chanhyuk, hands crinkling the top of his classic brown lunch bag.

"I said I would come back didn't I? d-did you forget?" minsu asks softly as he eyes the older with focusing eyes.

"no. I just didn't take you seriously." chanhyuk spits in a quite ugly tone which made the smaller insecure.

"I could leave if you want.." minsu offers but is cut off towards the end due to the older's question.
"what's in the bag?"

"this?" minsu asks, holding up his brown bag as if displaying it for all to see.
"just some food from the cafeteria and some bread I made." minsu informs, not really catching the fact that chanhyuk had avoided his offering to leave.

"oh." chanhyuk responds dryly as he takes another hit of his personal cancer induced lunch.
"did you already eat?" minsu asks, deciding to further this conversation as he wasn't willing to sit in awkward silence for any longer.


"why not?"

"food here's shit." chanhyuk answers. minsu had to stop himself from gasping at the older's peculiar vocabulary as it was one he wasn't accustomed to but decided against it.

a mindless idea popped into his head once he realized it would be rude to eat his lunch in front of someone who'd yet to have any. quickly, he reaches into his lunch bag, pulling out a plastic wrapped sweet bread. brown and supple, undeniably delicious looking.

"here, have this hyung! it's homemade, made it myself so it isnt from the school. I think you'll like it!" minsu smiles warmly while practically shoving the bread into chanhyuk's hands.

"I don't want it." chanhyuk denies the offering as he pushed the bread away.

"but don't you like bread?" minsu asks with a hurt tone, wondering why his bread didn't make the cut when suddenly he get's a strange look from his hyung.

"how'd you know that? are you a stalker or something?" chanhyuk says with a harsher voice and stern look but backs down when minsu begins to explain.

"no-no of course not! it's just that last time I was here, I seen the trash can by the door. It's filled with wrappers of popular bread brands and since you're the only one I know of who comes up here, I figured it was...you." minsu gives his explanation with nervously flung around hands and fading stuttering.
chanhyuk noted the other was observant before he snatched the bread from minsu, easily unwrapping it before biting out of the soft contents for a satisfying taste to bathe his taste buds.

"a normal person wouldn't have noticed something like that." chanhyuk claims with his voice a bit muffled from gorging on the red head's bread.

"ah well, that's because...to say the truth I've always wanted to be a detective!" minsu states expressively, and chanhyuk stops biting into his bread momentarily to listen.

"ever since I was a kid I always payed extra attention to small things. I like solving mysteries and justice for the good guys! if I were to become a detective it would be like being a super hero. I think it's awesome." minsu grins.

It unexpectedly went quiet for a few seconds. minsu let's out an awkward chuckle, "wow I've never told someone that before. embarrassing. never mind that, how's the bread?" minsu questions, trying to change the now silent subject.

"its....not complete shit." chanhyuk responds slowly while breaking his stare off of the younger now.

minsu laughs, "I'm not sure if that was a compliment or not but uh, thanks anyway!" he smiles widely.

he's pretty.

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