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the sunlight pours into the living room as the resident laying on the couch begins to feel the trickles of sunlight shine through his eyelids, with a gentle warmth cupping his face.

it's as if the early morning wanted to awake the sweet sleeping boy known as minsu with all the delicacy in the world. and succeeds to do so, as the red headed boy's eyes flutter open. with a sense of drowsiness, minsu's senses barely begin to come back. and slowly, he realizes his head rests on something solid and warm. with a soft rhythmic thumping underlying, his legs entangled with what seems like another pair below him.

minsu is fully awake now, also fully aware he was lying on top of none other than his hyung, chanhyuk. his arms twitched up slightly due to stopping his habit of springing up off of the boy below him, startled. he only hesitated because he didnt want to awake the surprisingly peacefully sleeping hyung, and it wouldn't be easy to get off of him since chanhyuk had an arm resting around minsu's waist.

did I seriously sleep on his chest all night? I don't remember being in this position at ALL. last thing I remember I was dozing off sitting next to him. when did this happen?

a daring thought crossed the flustered boy's mind. did he move us into this position? but it was given no depth, instead the distracting sound of keys jingling right outside of the front door fills the room, just feet away from the two boys literally on top of eachother. minsu's mind began to race as he knew his mom was going to walk through that door at any second now, yet he didnt want to harshly wake up his poor hyung.

torn in two, he had no choice. he carefully began to lift his body off of chanhyuk, slowly moving his knees to either side of chanhyuk's hips, now seemingly straddling the older boy below, and sneaking his hands right by both of chanhyuk's shoulders. he easily lifts himself up for just a second, almost home free, he could just jump off of the couch now, he could do it!

alas, his hopes of avoiding a terrible misunderstanding was shattered the very second his mother flew open the front door, face slowly morphing into a shocked one as she shouts
"minsu! what on earth are you doing? are you trying to jump this poor boy in his sleep?!"

minsu pleads for his mother to keep it down, slightly showing his teeth as he brings a finger up to his mouth, shushing his mom. though this was all useless when he meets eyes with the confused looking chanhyuk below him.

"um...........good morning." chanhyuk utters with pure amusement, and a blood boiling smirk on his lips.

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