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"wh-what?" chanhyuk asked, his face began to turn hot, as a light red shade pooled into his cheeks.
"I would miss you if you went anywhere hyung, so don't go anywhere okay? i  would worry, so don't be sad hyung~" minsu said softly, nuzzling his head a bit into chanhyuk's shoulder, attempting to comfort the other. having no idea how he was responsible for the flustered state chanhyuk was in.

"w-wha-well I wouldn't miss you! c-cut it out, you're saying cringy things!" chanhyuk sputters out as he shoves minsu off of his shoulder, soon after gripping his chest, scared minsu might hear his heart thumping in this crazed state

minsu sat up, looking like a kicked puppy. he gave chanhyuk a glare and folded his arms together with his lips in a pout.

"you don't have to be so mean. I get it, you don't like me. i thought we were friends." minsu said dramatically, trying his best to guilt trip his hyung. chanhyuk's words didn't hurt him that much. but chanhyuk didn't need to know that.

"I-I didn't mean to- don't be mad! i was just joking!" chanhyuk said nervously, he reached to grab a hold of minsu's arm and try to pull him back onto his shoulder but the smaller dodged it, sighing as he shook his head with fake disappointment, still teasing his hyung.

"whatever, let's drop it then." was minsu's reply as he scooted down from his sitting up position. now he lay on his side on the floor, bundling himself in the blanket the two struggled to share as it was so small.

chanhyuk soon laid down beside the other as well, scooting closer until he could almost feel the warmth of minsu on him.
"....we are friends." chanhyuk said slowly, breaking the minutes lasting silence between the two. his voice was quiet, but still perfect enough for both to hear it. for chanhyuk to cringe at, and for minsu to cherish.

the smaller sat up quickly after these words spiraled into the scene, and now the two's eyes locked as minsu smiled with joy.

"really? we're really friends?" minsu whisper-yelled with excitement.

"I-I thought we were this whole time!" chanhyuk also said in a loud whisper.

"but you never said we were."

"being friends isn't something you decide, it's something that happens naturally dumbass! but if you want it t-to be something we decide then fine! we're friends!" chanhyuk says impatiently. right after minsu comes tumbling down from sitting up to now clinging to his hyung, both now in a laying down hugging position. though chanhyuk didn't hug back. instead his face went ablaze with a crimson red and his mind began to panic.

"h-hey what the hell?! w-who said you could hug me?!" chanhyuk shouts, forgetting the whispering, now he felt he was malfunctioning with this cute little red head clinging to him like a koala.

"friends hug!" minsu said with quite the bratty attitude but a big smile, happy the two were finally, officially friends. happier than he thought he would be.

so happy, he completely forgot why he worked towards this friendship in the first place. at least, in this moment he did.

"let up off me already!" chanhyuk demands, and minsu finally let's go of the older, his little giggles filling the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2021 ⏰

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