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everything about this blonde was cool. not just cool. hot. his appearance was chic and his impressive height just added to his attractiveness. with dirty blonde hair and his striking countenance, long legs and deep, beguiling voice. the baritone rumbling through his chest whenever he spoke was surprisingly attractive to minsu.

though he threw all this aside once he became this handsome guy's object of teasing and instead, pure embarrassment and slight anger was found in him rather than his previous astonishment.

"w-what are you saying? are you calling me a kid?" minsu defends himself hesitantly, trying to sound upset but instead he just voiced as if he was only confused.

"yeah. now beat it if the smoke bothers you so much." the unnamed blonde beckons as he attempts to turn his back on the shorter once again, only to stop once minsu decides to continue to conversation.

"why can't you just smoke behind the school like a normal delinquent?" minsu questions as he hurries to the side of the blonde, both now standing inches away from the gate obviously placed at the edges of the roof to avoid any tragedies.

"because then I won't be alone. like I want to be right now." the taller says with a suggesting tone and minsu frowns.

"Is that your way of telling me to leave?" minsu questions softly, feeling somewhat let down he can't be around to soak up this really cool guy's chicness for much longer. once he hears the other mumble "pretty much" minsu slightly pouts as he stays quiet for a second. thinking.

"okay. I'll leave." minsu says suddenly with an optimistic tune and this puzzles the other though he doesn't let it show through. "...only If you tell me your name, then I'll go!" minsu smiles, satisfied as he continues to look at the irritated blonde before him.

"why do you care to know who I am?" the other asks with no suspicions but rather, exasperation.

"well because...." minsu decided against telling him he wants him to replace cho chanhyuk and study under him instead to ultimately achieve a new height and girlfriend. "I want to be friends!" minsu smiles innocently.

a rather awkward silence passes after this is said, and minsu feels a little embarrassed.
"hey, say something, I'm starting to feel awkward." minsu nervously states with a forced chuckle afterwards.

"chanhyuk." the blonde suddenly says, catching minsu off guard.
"pardon?" minsu asks, wondering why this boy would randomly begin to talk about chanhyuk.
"my name is chanhyuk. you can go now." the now newly introduced blonde or, chanhyuk clarifies and seems to miss minsu's jaw dropping.

"you're cho chanhyuk?"


minsu gasped, "wow! I'm kim minsu, how old are you? what's your grade? can I call you hyung?" minsu asks excitedly, absolutely ecstatic he actually found cho chanhyuk. his plan was well within his grasp now.

"hey. we had a deal. leave me be. I need to finish this cigarette." chanhyuk reminds the other tiredly.
"ah, you really shouldn't-" minsu is interrupted by the impatient bell, indicating lunch was over already.

"better scram." chanhyuk advises as he presses the unpleasant cancer stick against his lips, inhaling the smoke once again.

"okay! I'll come back hyung! it was nice to meet you! but really don't smoke!" minsu rushes to shout out as he speeds to the door he recently entered through.
halfway through the door and he pokes his head out to shout once again,

"goblins will eat your toes if you don't stop smoking! really!" before shutting the door, leaving chanhyuk struggling not to choke on the smoke he was inhaling due to chuckling at the childish red head in the midst of the puff.

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