I'm About to Manifest Myself to Mysteriously Disappearance

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Marinette's pov: it's still the first day of school btw)

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Marinette's pov: it's still the first day of school btw)

"We are totally fucked aren't we Chlo"

"yups we are royally fucked"

Were going to my house to got eat some lunch over there and talk to my parents about Chloe and I  being nominated to go to Gotham. I am excited to go because I could see Alfred, Jon, Bruce, Jason, Tim, and Dick don't get me wrong but I'm not sure if I'm ready to see Damian again. I guessI'mm just scared Damian didn't keep his promise and forgot about me. OK enough talk about him but what I'm going to say to my parents.

"Maman Papa Chloe and I have to tell you something."

"well talk to you and Chloe right now go upstairs in the living room"

when we were inside the living room Chloe and I started to talk about stuff until Chloe asked me about Damian.

"Mari-kins has this Damian called you?"

Now that I think about it Damian hasn't called me since I told him I got to Paris safely and that got me nervous because what if he has actually forgotten about me.

"no...he hasn't now that I think of it."

"damn Mari what do you mean he hasn't call I thought you guys were communicating."

"I called him a couple of times but he never answered so I didn't try calling him again"

"thank goodness you dropped him because Mar if you kept on calling him you would seem desperate."

"I know that's why I stopped calling or texting him."

and right at this dam time someone calls me and fuck me for talking about Damian because guess who calls? Your damn right Damian calls.



I throw my phone at her. I'm here scared as heck and she answers putting it on speaker and tells Damian these words.

"H, I this is Chloe who is this?"

"This is one of Marinette's friend who is this?"

"I'm Marinette's best friend of course"

"well is Marinette available I have to talk to her?."

I shake my head trying to tell Chloe to tell him I'm not here.

"weeellll you see here Marinette's friend she is busy at the moment with Ummm...LUKA she is busy with Luka herr er-"

She looks at me asking what she should say and I write to her that he's my boy's best friend because it's the truth obviously. (poor Luka I had to do the love of my life dirty (;'༎ຶД༎ຶ') )

"sorry my butler called me for a moment Anyway she is with her other best friend Luka for a new song I think and she being her forgetful clumsy self forgot her phone here."

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