Hope and Devotion (Chapter Eight)

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The soft light of early morning filtered through the curtains, Ashe propped herself up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. She slipped on her nightgown making sure not to disturb Rasler, who quietly slumbered. Several days ago, he had recovered enough to be finally allowed to stay in their room. His illness was passing, with the help of various potions and tinctures, and the arrow wound looked not much more than a mere scar that occasionally pained him.

While her husband recovered from his wounds, her brothers went off to battle, in an attempt to recapture the lost fortress of Nalbina, and to prevent the invasion forces from getting any closer to the capital. All of the efforts were futile, and Dalmasca's army was withering away with each passing day. Two of remaining brothers, had died, trying to defend their land, and family. She received the new of their deaths, on a cold, somber morning, with the dark grey clouds rolling in from the southern Giza Plains. She wept, as she ran up to Rasler's bedside, part of her refusing to believe that they were gone. He did his best to comfort her, holding her tightly, and just listening to her pleas, until she was ready to confront reality. Later that evening, Ashe wore black, and wheeled in her husband, who was still too weak to walk, to the funeral. With all the losses on Dalmasca's side, her father decided to surrender, to prevent any more destruction to his people. The decision was not an easy one, Rasler and Leo being both against the idea at first, but Ashe agreed with Raminas' decision, trusting in his wisdom, and love for his people.

"Morning, dear." Rasler sat up in bed, "You seem quieter." He reached over, downing down a small bottle of medicine, while grimacing. "Soon this will be done with." He muttered to himself.

"I was thinking, about father's decision. It is for the best, but I have a bad feeling, like it's not going to go well for us." She played with a loose thread, on the comforter.

The bed, creaked as he moved closer, "It's going to be fine, I promise." His lips brushed against her temple. "It's uncertain, but we shall make the best of it."

Ashe nodded, and planted a kiss on his cheek, before stepping out of bed.

Following suit Rasler stepped out of bed wincing as he put weight on his injured leg. His knee had not healed well, despite the numerous treatments applied to it. It would take time for him to be able to walk without pain and unassisted.

"Are you in pain?" She rushed to his side, picking up his crutches, and offering them to him.

"Yes, just give me a moment." He slipped on a brace, magicked to alleviate some pain, onto his knee, and reached for a cane instead.

"Did I wear you out or injure you last night?" She blushed and looked away, feeling faintly guilty, for her persistence last night. It had been nearly a month, since she and her husband shared relations of the intimate sort, and she insisted that they start once he was healthy enough.

He shook his head and smiled. "Not at all, actually I think it helped, more than anything else." He leaned in and kissed her.

"I don't know what to do after I give birth. Six weeks without sex, I was getting frustrated after the second." Her lips curled into a smile, knowing that was one of the least unpleasant things, about childbirth.

"There's ways to circumvent that issue." He whispered into her ear. "And to tell you the truth, had I not developed that illness I would have bedded you, right there in the physician's room, as soon as the stitches were removed."

"I don't think that would have been very appropriate, and you're lying, you could hardly lift you head from the pillow"

"Perhaps I am, but that doesn't make it any different." He eyed her hips, pausing. "Well, we have much to do…later." He wrapped his arm around her waist, and led her back to bed, placing light kisses on her flesh.

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