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September 8, 2028

The next morning, I woke up early. I looked over to Johnny, still sleeping.
I stood up and held his hand as he peacefully sleeps.

Then I heard a knock on the door so I stood up." Doc? What happened to him?" I asked.

" I would like to speak to his family member... and you are?" He asked.
It took me a moment to think.

" His wife." I said." Mrs. Orlando. According to Mr. Orlando's MRI result. The blood clot got bigger. He has to undergo surgery as soon as possible." The doctor said.

" If he does that... Will that save him?" I asked, worried." If the operation is successful, he will live a normal life, if not, he might undergo coma, or death." The doctor said.

My heart ache as I heard the news.
" Doc, don't stress this beautiful lady." We heard Johnny speak.

" John." I said walking towards him, helping him sit down." Mr. Orlando, according to your neurologist, you've been declining the surgery." The doctor said.

Johnny nodded." I'll call Lauren." I said leaving both of them alone in the room and called Lauren.

A few minutes later, Lauren, William, Carson, and Brynn came." Hey." Brynn greeted softly hugging me.

" Thanks for calling me Kenz." Lauren said before heading inside with William and Carson.

" Are you ok?" Brynn asked letting go from the hug." I don't know." I burst out crying.

We both sat down as Brynn comforts me. Another minute passed and the doctor and Lauren went out of the room.

" My parents said Johnny should go back to LA for his surgery. We just need your approval." Lauren said.

" Of course." The doctor said." Ok thank you." Lauren said then the doctor nodded before leaving.

Lauren turned to me. Brynn and I stood up." He's going to be fine." Lauren said and both Brynn and I sighed in relief.

We all head inside the room." Hey John." Brynn greeted." Hi Brynny." Johnny greeted with a weak smile.

I sat down and couldn't help but tear up as I see him, weak. This is all my fault.

" We'll leave you two alone." Carson said escorting Brynn out of the room followed by Lauren and William.

I wiped my tears." I shouldn't be crying. It'll stress you out." I said looking at him.

He just smiled and stick out his hand for me to hold and sit closer to him.
" Did you know, the night we got married, on why I joined Brynn and Carson and get drunk? That was the day I found out I have cerebellar aneurysm." Johnny explained.

" Why didn't you tell me?" I asked, tears slipping down." Because I don't want you to get worried about me." He said.

" When I attended Brynn and Carson's wedding, I was jealous and wondered... what if I get married too? Would I be as happy like them?
Because the thought of me dying and leaving my love ones definitely hurts. I'm afraid to leave everyone and not give them the forever they deserve. Then I saw you... you were my forever... I was given hope... but it disappeared. So I didn't bother finding you... Because I thought that was it... maybe it's the end. But then I saw you again... I learned how to hope again... that's why I never told you about Dominick..... I'm really sorry Kenzie... I was so selfish... I wanted more... but it isn't the right thing... Kenzie I'm really really sorry.... Sorry I messed up your life... sorry I messed up Isaak's life.... I'm Really really sorry... tell Isaak that I'm sorry." He apologized, tears slipping down his cheeks as he hold me tight.

I shook my head as I tried my best not to cry again." You're the girl that deserves forever." Johnny said.

" But I'm not the right person to give it to you... especially because I can't give you the forever you need." He added.

" Whatever happens... I hope you find the will to live." I said. Then he nodded, kissing my hand.

Later that morning, John was ok to go, so we head back to the cabin and packed our things and head to the airport.

We sat down on our seats, John was seating next to Lauren and William, a row behind, across Brynn, Carson, and I.

I looked at him, talking to Lauren and William, laughing, then I felt someone tap my shoulder.

" You want some chips?" Brynn asked. I smiled and nodded. The hour on our way home, we talked.

" See you soon, Kenzie." Carson and Brynn said as we arrived at the airport, finally splitting our ways.

" Take care." I said to the couple before they bid goodbye to the trio and heading inside an uber.

The trio turned to me and smiled. Johnny then walked towards me and gave me a hug.

" Bye Kenzie." He said. I never knew that those words would hurt as bad as it came from him.

" See you soon, John." I said letting go of the hug turning to Lauren and William.

" See you soon Kenzie." They said, then my I bet finally came. Johnny looked at me and smiled opening the door for me as the driver carried my luggage.

As I got in, He closed the door and waved one last time before my I bet left.

When I got home, It felt like my heart would explode." I'm home." I said then Maddie and mom came and gave me a hug.

" Kenzie, we missed you. You must be tired. Let me help you." Mom said helping me with my luggage up to my room.

" How was the trip? Did you see any cool places there?" Mom asked as I sat down on my bed.

I glanced at Maddie." Mom... I actually need to tell you something." I said.

Mom looked at me worried sitting in front of me. I glanced at Maddie, nervous to tell mom but this is the right thing.

So I took a deep breath and finally told her the truth." My gosh, Kenzie! Married accidentally when you're drunk?! Are you serious?!" Mom asked standing from her seat, furious.

" Mom, please, just let Kenzie talk." Maddie defended." You married a guy you don't know! You joined him In Hawaii! What was I missing to make you grow up like this?! Are you even my daughter?!" Mom asked.

And trust me, those words hurts the most." Mom I'm so sorry." I said crying as I stood up and tried to give her a hug but she pushed me away.

" Mom, God knows how much I love you. Everything I do is for you. I always try to make you happy. I'm sorry if I failed as a daughter. I'm sorry if I'm not the perfect daughter you're expecting me to be. I don't even know where this is going... I'm so lost... and I don't know if you'll like the next decision I'll make... I don't know if you'll ever forgive me but... I hope you'll forgive and love me... one thing I learned when I was in Hawaii, is that I should think more for myself and not for the others." I said, grabbing my bags.

" I'll be staying with dad for now." I said grabbing my bags." Kenzie wait." Maddie said but I didn't stopped and instead went to my dad's house.

This one's a very emotional chapter. Peace!

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