Book Club: Part 2

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The second you got home, you did nothing but read To Kill a Mockingbird. You didn't call anyone, you didn't text anyone, you didn't clean up anything, you just read that book. You swore to yourself and Spencer Reid that you'd finish this book by tomorrow so you could meet Spencer for lunch, and you were not going to let yourself for Spencer down. You were going to finish this book by tomorrow.

You were a slower reader, because you wanted to take in each word and think about how carefully each sentence was crafted. You knew that Harper Lee wrote everything with a purpose, and you wanted to make sure that you understood that purpose. Sometimes, you'd reread chapters, just so you can understand them better. In all honesty, you say that you want to understand them better for Harper Lee and her writing, but you really just wanted to kick Spencer's butt and show him how much you know about the book.

As you're in the middle of a chapter, you get a phone call. You tell yourself not to answer it, but then, you see that it's a random number. Curious as ever, you pick up the phone and answer with your signature wrong number answer: "Hello, this is the Quantico Morgue! You kill 'em, we chill 'em, how can I help you?"


Oh my Jesus, that's Spencer Reid.

"Spencer! Hey! Uh, what's... what's going on?" you say with a nervous chuckle. "Wait, how'd you get my number?"

"Well, when you checked out the book, I saw you had a library card. I asked the lady behind the desk for your phone number, since you have to give the library a phone number for a card. I told her that I just got a new phone and it wiped all of my contacts, so I needed your number. She gave it to me, and now I have your phone number."

Blinking, you take it all in before sighing. "You're crazy. Absolutely crazy."

You can hear his cute chuckle through the phone. "Wow, I've never heard that one before."

"Well, Spencer, I'm going to have to go, since I'm in the middle of some intense reading right now."

"Are you seriously reading To Kill a Mockingbird already?"

"Yes. Yes I am. If I want to finish it by tomorrow, I need to start now, and you're wasting my precious time."

"Okay then. Have fun reading, then."

"I will. Bye, Spencer."


The remnants of the butterflies that were swirling in your stomach remain there as you pick up your book and continue reading, that smile staying on your lips.

~ time skip ~

Thanks to your slow and meticulous reading, you didn't get to sleep until four in the morning, which is something your friends did on a daily basis, but definitely not you. You were exhausted and passed right out once you finished.

However, you still woke up at nine in the morning, which made you pretty tired. All you did that morning was drink coffee by the cups and watch some movies. That is, until a particular person gave you a ring.

Glancing over at the phone, there's that random number again. Spencer. You pick up the phone, pondering what you could answer with, but you end up just saying a very tired, "Hello?"

"Somebody's sleepy," that amused voice that only Spencer has answered you. "Did you finish the book?"

"Of course I did!"

"And how long did it take you?"

You pause for a moment. "Uh... well, I went to sleep around four in the morning."

"Four in the morning? (Y/N), how long does it take you to read?"

"Newsflash, Spencer, not everyone can read as quickly as you can!"

He laughs, which makes you blush lightly. You still
find Spencer's laugh adorable. "Look, I'm at the café right by the library. Why don't you stop by and we can talk about the book?"

All of the sudden, your tiredness dissolves as you smile brightly. "Be there in ten."

It doesn't take you long before you say your goodbyes, hang up the phone and get changed into more presentable clothes. Luckily, the library isn't far from your place, so it doesn't take you long to see Spencer Reid, sitting at one of the tables with a coffee and a copy of the book.

You smile as you make your way over to the table, sitting down across from him. As you do, he leans forward and pecks your lips, which is something that shocks you. Your entire face turns red as you can't help but smile a goofy smile.

"Spreads less germs than shaking hands," he responded, an exact copy of your smile on his lips. "Now, let's commence this book club, shall we?"

a/n: hey guys!! sorry i've been so inactive. lots has been going on and i haven't found much time to write, but i'm back!! requests are still open. i hope you have a great holiday season, i'll post something tomorrow for christmas! <3

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