chapter 24 cato pov!!!

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♥♥ I_am_mexxx ♥♥ you have stuck with me through all my errors. I appreciate all of your comments and messages! So thank you!  

♥♥ I_am_mexxx ♥♥

Authors note: I honestly loved that last chapter I think it was my favorite chapter to write!! so now Cato's pov!!!! sorry for not updating fast!!!


Enjoy. :)))

We were running full speed towards the camp after Clove emerged from the bushes. I told Katniss where she could find her bow. She was way ahead of Marvel and I, with Clove right on her heels. I see Clove throw a knife at katniss. I push harder when I see Katniss running with a limp. Katniss was unprotected with a crazed knife throwing, girl that won't go down without a fight. Katniss trips and falls, sliding a few feet on her stomach. Clove flips her over and takes out a knife, holding her down. They were still far ahead of us. Katniss screams and my heart breaks at the sound. Clove laughs, smirk at me and runs off. When we reach Katniss there are quite a full pools of blood. Katniss has a long cut on her face and another on her arm.

"Look at her arm." Marvel says appalled.  

"Clove cut her there as well as her face." he says. How are we going to stop all of this blood. Katniss closes her eyes which scared me.

"Katniss, stay with me! live! You can't die now." I say, pulling her closer to me. She makes a strangled sound. Where are this girl's sponsors! They should be sending her stuff right now. As if on cue five little beeping parachutes float down towards us.

"Marvel grab those things and open them up.... quickly! " I yell to him. He stands and begins yanking them open.

"We got bandages, healing cream, clean water, bread and rope." Marvel says in amazement. This stuff costs a fortune and they didn't care and sent it to her.

"Katniss I love you." I say in her ear. Marvel begins to wipe her cuts to remove dirt. He smears the healing cream on her face and the her arm. His hand turn red from rubbing it in. I place three bandages on her face and two on her arms.

"Katniss, your not going to die.... you are all fixed up now.... I love you... even if you don't believe it ." I tell her as I pick her up.

"Marvel where is the nearest stream?" I ask him.

"There was one where we found Katniss about a fifteen minute walk."  I walk of in that direction, hoping to find it fast. I was in luck as I see the huge lake filled with pure, clean water.

"Throw me that water." Marvel tosses it to me. I pour a little on her lips and rub some on her forehead.  

We were at the stream, which seemed like forever before we got there. I notice that we weren't the only ones there.

"WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO  HER." Peeta yells at me. He runs up to me. Marvel steps in front of us.

"One more step lover boy and your dead." I tell him. Peeta looks at Marvel and doesn't move. I walk towards the stream. A boy with a spear stands very protective in front of the little girl from 11.

"I can help her. ".the girl from 11 says.

"No rue" says the boy with the spear.

"Shut up Sean let her help Katniss. " lover boy says. I place Katniss down near Rue. Sean has his spear ready and walks near her. I set katniss down and step back so rue could have her space to work. I am going to kill Clove.

Authors note: Sorry for not updating recently the holidays kept me busy and having all the family come was just crazy... lol!

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