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In the woods at night, Molly runs through the woods away from the cabin. She staggers onto the road, where a car is approaching and she says "Stop!" She stands in the middle of the road, hands out and Dean says "Holy-!" 

He stops the Impala just in front of her and Molly says "You've got to help me." She goes to the passenger's side and pounds on the window, which Sam rolls down and Molly says "Please. Please!" Sam says "All right, all right. Calm down, calm down. Tell us what happened." On the road Sarah, Sam and Dean have parked the Impala by the road and all four of them  are standing around it and Molly says "I-I swerved, a-And we crashed. And when I came to, the car was wrecked and my husband was missing. I went looking for him, but that's when the man from the road, he... he started chasing me." 

Dean asks "Did he look like he lost a fight with a lawn mower?" Molly says "How did you know that?" Dean says "Lucky Guess." Sarah asks "Ma'am, what's your name?" Molly says "Molly. Molly Mcnamara." Sarah exchanges a look to both Dean and Sam and says "I think maybe you should come with us. We'll take you back into town." Molly says "I can't. I have to find David,He might have gone back to the car." Sam says "We should get you somewhere safe first, Then Dean, Sarah and I will come back and we'll look for your husband." Molly says "No. I'm not leaving here without him. Would you just take me back to my car, please?" Sarah says "Of course. Come on."

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In the woods the impala  parks by the woods near the crash site  They get out, Molly  leading them into the woods and she says "It's right over there

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In the woods the impala  parks by the woods near the crash site  They get out, Molly  leading them into the woods and she says "It's right over there." They come upon the crash site, but the car is gone and she says "I don't understand. I'm sure this is where it was. W-We hit that tree right there. This... this doesn't make any sense." She goes and invest and out of earshot Sarah says "Dean, we got to get out of here Greeley could show up at any second." Dean then asks Sam "What are you gonna tell her?" Sam says "The truth?" Dean says "She's gonna take off running in the other direction." Molly says "I know it sounds crazy, but I crashed into that tree. I don't know who could've taken it. It was totaled. Please. You have to believe me." Sarah says "Molly, listen, we do believe you but that's why we want to get you out of here." Molly says "What about David? Something must have happened and I have to get to the cops." Dean says "Cops... that's a great idea,We'll take you down to the station ourselves. So just come with us, It's the best way we can help you and your husband." 

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