Chapter 21

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~It was the day before the dance and we witness anthony waking up~

Anthony slowly opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling. He then sighs and gets up.

Anthony: "rise and shine team, up and at em. We got a big day ahead of us."

Pierce walks into the room showered and dressed.

Pierce: "you dont gotta tell me."

Anthony sticks his tongue out at him.

Anthony: "come on laurie get up, or else you'll start complaining about how you didnt have enough time to get ready."

Lauries rolls off the bed and lands on the ground.

Anthony: "i said up not down."

Laurie: "....same difference."

Anthony pats amanda on the back.

Anthony: "come on sleepy head, its time for you to get your beauty on."

Amanda yawns after lifting her head up.

Amanda: "i dont think thats on my status quo."

Anthony chuckles and begins his daily morning routine.

After the team finishes they rally up to talk about theyre schedule.

Laurie: "ill be working with weiss and yang to prep the ball after class is done so im going to be pretty busy."

Amanda: "ill be in management and make sure we have all the neccesary supplies and be on the look out for students who arents following the dress code."

Pierce: "ill be making sure all of our equipment will be cleaned and ready for the day after tomorrow."

Anthony: "well since you guys have basically everything covered and though its not much ill be helping out jaune with his personal matters."

As the team splitted up to attend to their work we follow anthony in his search for jaune.

Anthony: "jaune is a great guy but man he doesnt make it easy for himself, though he's older i consider him like my little brother. So i must help him."

Anthony knocks on the door of team JNPR's dorm.

After a while nora opens the door.

Nora: "ANT!!!!"

In an instant she tackled anthony to the ground in a hug.

Anthony: "...release....release!"

As nora hugged anthony tigher ans tighter an excruciating sound came from his body.

Anthony: "Nora that doesnt sound good somethings breaking ahhhhhh!"

After ren and pyrrah somehow managed to get nora off of anthony he later asked them about jaune and they explained what just recently happened.

Anthony: "i feel hurt, and neglected. Why would he go go ren for advice but not to me? Oh jaune you hurt me so.

Fake tears began running down his face.

Ren: "the world works in mysterious ways, not to mention you are younger than him. He probably felt embarrassed to ask for advice from you."

Pyrrah: "well he just left moments ago. You can still catch up to him."

Anthony: "and you. Ugh i cant believe how selfless you are it makes me want to literally cry pyrrah."

Pyrrah staggered a bit.

Pyrrah: "what do you mean by that?"

Anthony walks over to pyrrah and places a hand on her shoulder.

RWBY: Pink RosesWhere stories live. Discover now