Chapter 1

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Sounds of sneakers squeaking against the tiles were heard as three pairs of feet hurried up the stairway of the apartment building.

"Oh, man today was so fun! There's nothing like playing basketball in the cold to get your adrenaline rushing! We definitely have to play again." Namjoon said.

Seokjin sighed deeply. "I'm not playing again, it was way too cold. My body's not built for the cold."

"Excuses Hyung! You just suck at playing basketball and any other sport for that matter!" Yoongi teased his best friend. They reached the floor of their apartment. They reached the floor of their apartment and stopped short when they saw the young boy who lived next to Seokjin sitting outside his apartment shivering a bit. He looked at them before crossing his arms to hide his fists.

"Hey kid, what are you doing sitting outside your apartment door alone? Aren't you cold?" Yoongi asked.

He glared at him. "I'm not a kid!" He snapped.

"Of course you are, you're only eleven." He said. He turned away not wanting to hear him anymore. Yoongi sighed. "You're so not cute anymore."

Seokjin chuckled sitting down beside him as he gave the youngster's head a firm pat. "Come on Yoonie, you know how sensitive he is about his age. He's at that awkward stage, not a kid but not a teenager, right Taehyung-ah," He gave an affirmative nod. "So why are you sitting here? Shouldn't you be at Ms. Michelle's place after school?"

He sadly lowered his eyes not saying anything.

"Alright, Tae-yah talk to us," Namjoon said sitting on his other side as Yoongi sat across from them tossing his basketball up and down.

Taehyung sighed deeply. "The kids were making fun of me. They said I didn't have parents because no one has ever seen them. They called me dirt poor for wearing the same uniform every day and they call me ugly." He shut his eyes trying not to cry.

"Geez kids are really harsh nowadays huh?" Namjoon sighed as Seokjin and Yoongi nodded.

"I'm kinda surprised though Tae, you didn't punch anyone? You're so quick-tempered you usually throw punches first then ask questions later." Yoongi teased.

Taehyung remained silent and tucked his fists underneath his arms. Seokjin raised his eyebrow and grabbed his wrist staring at his red swollen knuckles.

"Well, we have our answer."

Taehyung snatched his wrist from him.

"Tae-yah, why fight? You could've gone to Ms. Michelle and told her what those kids were saying. Instead, you got in trouble and ran from her place, didn't you?" Namjoon asked fixing his glasses.

Seokjin sighed and stood up. "Come on, no need sitting in front of your apartment in the cold. You can come to my place." He held his hand out to him. Taehyung slowly took his hand and the older teen easily pulled him off the floor.

"We'll see you later." Yoongi waved.

"Bye guys."

Seokjin went to his door and opened it. "I hope Eomma made some hot chocolate. I know a little kid like you likes hot chocolate." He teased.

Taehyung growled and kicked him in the back of the leg.


"I'm not a kid!"

"You're right! You're not! You're a monster!" He whined.

Taehyung humphed and looked away. Seokjin opened the apartment door letting him in first.

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