Chapter 7

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Seokjin stared at the computer, after their date and that small kiss everything kind of went back to normal. As much as Seokjin wanted to question things and ask for answers things became crazily busy afterward. So there just was no time. It was now June and the show was right around the corner. Everyone was hustling to meet the deadline.

A part of him also was too scared to ask how the omega felt about him. He was scared at the possibility of them changing if they talked about their feelings. Was he ready for that change? He wasn't sure himself.

He moaned placing his hand to his face. Now wasn't the time to think about this. He thanked them for being busy, it was the best distraction.

"Hey Jin, can you come here for a moment, please." Kito waved at him. Seokjin walked over to him happily pushing his current thoughts away.

The omega held up a finished jean jacket. "Can you try this on please?"

"Sure," he slid the jacket on, it was a perfect fit. He really loved the ruby rhinestones that outlined the jacket.

"I love it." Kito smiled.

"Are you using this for the runway?"

"Yes, I have another piece to go with it. I just wanted to see how it looked on a tall lean guy. Would you go to the store and buy this?"

"I like the ruby rhinestones, they aren't too much or too little. This would definitely catch my eyes, so yes. A nice casual outing this would be perfect for."

"Ah, that makes me feel so much better to know." He helped Seokjin take the jacket off. The alpha saw Taehynng looking at them from his window before turning back to his computer. Jimin's voice turned him away from the omega.

"Hey guys, what are we having for lunch? I want some Spanish food."

"Ooh me too!" Hoseok gasped. "I have a taste for some baked chicken, red beans and rice." His mouth watered.

Daniel folded his arms nodded. "I can go for some empanadas."

Seokjin's stomach growled making Kito laugh out. "I guess we're doing Spanish food, huh?" He nudged the alpha with his elbow. "Jin's stomach is talking to me." He teased.

Jimin, Hoseok and Daniel laughed out as the alpha blushed.

"Yah stop it Kito!"

Taehyung stormed out of his office. "What's going on?! All I hear is talking and laughing! I should be hearing more sewing machines!" He snapped.

Seokjin walked to his desk as everyone went back to work.

"Let's leave him out for lunch," Jimin mumbled making Hoseok cover his mouth so he didn't laugh out and get in more trouble.

Taehyung looked at him but ignored his statement as he went back into his office and sat down. Seokjin walked into his office.

"We were just talking about getting Spanish food for lunch. Do you want anything?" The omega just stared at his computer not answering. "V?"

The omega looked at him and leaned back in his seat. "Since when you and Kito got so friendly?"

Seokjin blinked in confusion before speaking. "Um...what does that mean? We're just friends like I am with everyone." Taehyung closed the door and shut the blinds. Seokjin's back pressed against the wall as he was entrapped between the omega's arms.

"You say friends but I see flirting. Do you wag your tail for any omega who gives you attention?" He snapped.

Seokjin instantly became annoyed. "What's your problem?! I understand you have a lot on your plate with the fashion show but why are you taking it out on everyone?! Everyone is out there working hard for your sake and you just yelled at them for something so stupid!"
"It's your fault!"

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