Chapter 3

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After some time they separated and Seokjin looked around. "Do you two live together?"

"Yup, me, Tae and Yoongi Hyung, there's eight-bedrooms total. Tae has four, I have three and Yoongi has two but there's still plenty of room. I'm sure Tae can accommodate you. I gotta run, photoshoot today." He looked at his watch. "TaeTae, thanks for the clothes."

"No problem Hyung."

Namjoon smiled and ran upstairs to change.

Taehyung tossed his long gray coat on the coat rack. "Well, we weren't expecting you to live with us so as of right now you don't have a room but I'll get that fixed. The three rooms I have are filled with fabrics, mannequins, and boxes. Come."

Seokjin followed the omega upstairs, he winced in pain the shoes must've done more damage than he realized. They went up to a loft area on the third floor.

Seokjin eyes widened in horror when he saw all the fabrics, mannequins, the walls were covered in drawings of outfits. The place was a complete wreck! How could anyone sit let alone sleep? His place wasn't much but he always did his best to keep it neat.

Taehyung placed his elevator key on the cluttered table. The alpha panicked that it was going to get lost there. The omega turned to him and stared at him. Seokjin tilted his head wondering what he was going to say. He stepped back when Taehyung stepped towards him. He ended up falling back on the couch and Taehyung knelt between his legs, he brought his nose close to him and sniffed around him. He then leaned his elbows on the alpha's thighs resting his face in his hands as he smiled up at him.

"Hyung, you still smell pure. Don't tell me you're still a virgin?"

The alpha's cheeks became a deep red and he swallowed hard. "S-S-So! I just haven't had the right time that's all."

"Really? That's boring."

"What's boring?"

"How am I supposed to whip you into shape when you're still so pure. I'm afraid I'd taint you the moment I put my hands on you. I am twenty-one now you know. Remember what you said or is it too late now?" He pouted.

"P-P-Pabo what are you talking about?!"

Taehyung laughed standing up. "I'm just teasing Hyung. I know your landlord called you an alpha toy so I wondered if you thought that's what I meant by buying you."

Seokjin looked away for a moment before looking at him. "That did cross my mind once..." he admitted.

"That won't ever happen so don't worry. Virgin alphas are the worse to deal with." he let out a sigh while folding his arms.

"What do you mean?"

"Alpha virgins become waaay too possessive. They want to mark you and make you theirs because they think they're in love or whatever. I don't have time for that. I'm a free spirit who loves everyone, monogamous love is a bore."

"You love everyone?"

He nodded.

"You've even been with omegas?" He asked curiously.

"I've dated two at once, we were in a poly." He shrugged.

Seokjin blinked. "So what happened?"

"I got bored and left. Love is boring." He sighed. "I need caffeine." he walked over to a counter that had a tea brewer.

Seokjin stared at the omega. When he was younger he claimed to be in love with him etc so what could have changed his perception of love so drastically?

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