Chapter 8

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Taehyung let out a loud moan as Seokjin's hands roamed over his body. He bit his bottom lip closing his eyes as the alpha's fingers sunk deep into him. Seokjin kissed along his neck.
"I want you Tae," he whispered.

"You think you're ready?" He pushed the alpha on his back and straddled his hips, he moved his hips a bit rubbing their cocks against one another. "You always chicken out when it's time to stick it in." He smirked.

The alpha sighed. "I won't this time."

"I don't believe you." He leaned forward pressing their chests together, he pecked the alpha's lips. "As I told you before, there's no rush. There's plenty of other things we can do until then." He covered the alpha's lips again, his tongue stroking against Seokjin's. They both moaned out.

Taehyung's cell phone rang. He glanced at the time, who the hell would be calling him at one in the morning? "Hey Danny, what's up?"

"Yo V the studio's on fire! I came here to do some work and the cops and the fire department are here!" His voice shook. Taehyung could hear the sirens in the background. He leaped out of bed.

"I'll be right there!" He threw his clothes on.

"What happened?"

"The studio is on fire."

Seokjin's eyes widened and he got dressed.

They ran down the street towards the studio and Taehyung saw the police keeping people back as the firefighters were putting out the flames.

"Sir, I need you to stand back," An officer told him.

"That's my fucking studio!" He shouted. Seokjin trembled to see the omega lose his cool.

"Jin Hyung." he turned around and saw Jimin, Hoseok and Kito rushing to him. "Danny called us and told us what happened? Jimin said, covering his mouth.

"What the fuck?!" Kito growled he didn't know if he wanted to smash something or break down sobbing.

"But how did this happen? V made sure not to have anything flammable in there." Hoseok cried.

"Mr. Kim," an officer walked over to him. "The firefighters found two cans of gasoline." Everyone went over towards Taehyung.

He cleared his throat. "So I can assume this wasn't an accident."

"Do you know anyone who would want to do this?"

"Geon!" Jimin snapped and Taehyung looked at him before looking down.

"It had to be Geon, the studio is for employees only and you can't get inside without a badge," Daniel said. The officer looked at who Taehyung nodded.

"I had fired Geon today. I meant to cancel his card but I forgot," he lowered his head, angry with himself. Seokjin took the omega's hand in which the omega gave him a small squeeze.

The police took down Geon's first and last name and began talking to security. Taehyung turned to everyone. "I don't even know what to say right now," he ran his hand through his hair. "I'll be honest, I'm barely holding on from having a break right now. I'm sorry, I fucked up. I can't blame anyone but myself for this one." he looked down.

"But we still have two more months before the show right? Can't we do something?" Jimin asked and Taehyung looked at him lost for words.

"Ah wait!" Daniel said and pulled out his phone. He showed some pictures to Taehyung. "I took pictures of our drawings, I collected all the pictures of the drawings we've made and I was going to turn it into an album for the studio."

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