Chapter 10

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Seokjin watched helplessly as Taehyung just stared at the TV. The omega stormed over to the TV and changed it to another channel.

"Is true love or a publicity stunt? During the final fashion show, Fashion Icon V gave a heartfelt speech about the alpha next to him. However, rumor has it that he bought the alpha. So it makes you wonder just how sincere was he?"

Taehyung changed to another channel.

"A former employee of Fashion Icon V has come out saying how the omega used him for sex and then threw him to the curb."

"That's kinda offensive. How can someone treat an alpha like that?"

Taehyung scoffed and shut the TV off. "What a bunch of hypocrites!" He tossed the remote on the couch.

"Joon-ah, I'll call you back." Seokjin hung up and looked at Taehyung who was in the kitchen making tea.

"What are you going to do about this?"

Taehyung shrugged. "What should I do? I'm not gonna do a thing."

The alpha's eyes widen. "Why not? I'm sure if you say something, it will turn everything back to normal."

"Hyung, you don't know the industry as I do. Those alpha assholes are setting a trap."

"Alphas? What alphas?" His eyes then widened. "Don't tell me...the fashion designers!"

The omega sat down on the couch. "Of course it was them, they are the only ones who would be desperate enough to dig up my past."

"All the more reasons why you should say something to defend yourself."

"I won't." He firmly looked at Seokjin. "I refused to let anyone force me to speak on things regarding my past and personal life."

"I understand that but I'm more concerned about your image to your fans."

"Don't be, my loyal fans will understand me." He sipped his tea.

Seokjin stared at the omega. "Maybe I can say something then since my name was brought up."

"You will not!" Taehyung snapped. "As I said before you know nothing about this industry. No matter what you say people will always twist your words to fit their narrative. If they wanna paint me as the evil sex-crazed omega with the dark past then let them, I don't give a shit."

"I get it not wanting to talk about your past and that's fine but at least let's clear the air about us. I'm not your boy toy and you didn't buy me to be one."

"Jin..." The omega sighed. "I don't care what they think. So just let it go. I won't talk about this subject anymore. Are you coming to the new studio or not?" He stood up not looking at him.

"I'll come."

"Ok and make sure to grab a pair of shades. I know the paparazzi are out there." he walked into the bathroom. Seokjin curiously looked out the window and his eyes widened when he saw a large group of people. How the hell were they going to get through that mess?


Taehyung took Seokjin's hand and led him through the crowd. Cameras flashing, people throwing out questions or statements towards then while trying to get the mics in their faces. Seokjin's stomach churned from the madness. How did celebrities put up with this?

They got into Taehyung's car and he took off. Seokjin looked behind him at the crowd still taking pictures. Relief washed over him when the group became smaller as the gap between them increased.

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