Chapter 9

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ATTENTION: I'm sooo sorry I had no real time to edit this. Today is such a busy day for me and if I tried I wouldn't have be able to release today. I promise next update less mistakes! Thank you for putting up with my flaws love you all T___T <3

By the time Seokjin woke up in the morning Taehyung was already gone. He left him a text saying Jimin or Hoseok would come by to pick up lunch around two. He placed the phone next to him and sighed staring at the ceiling. His body was starting to adjust to sex and he felt in an odd way his body reacted to Taehyung. The moment the omega released those arousal pheromones, any resistance he had was gone. He laid there wondering if that was a good thing or something that would get him in trouble later on...

He slowly got up and stretched, there was a lot of work to be done. He got up and took a shower to start his day. He got dressed after showering. He saw a to-do list on the laptop. His eyes widened when he saw it was filled from front to back. But knowing how hard the omega was working made him kick into gear. He made himself coffee and the first thing to do on the list was to contact everyone letting them know the rehearsal dates. Then he had to contact the hair and makeup artists to make sure they had everything they needed for the show and if not they would supply them. He had no problem talking to Jasper, he was cool and energetic but it was Edna who made this unpleasant. Namjoon and Yoongi were handling the music for the show. He was excited and couldn't wait!

After getting the phone calls for the rehearsal done, he sat down on the couch and text Yoongi.

: Yah you busy? If not come run errands with me.

Yoongi: 😑😑 y I gotta be involved? Your bf is the one who gave you work to do.

: get out the bed and come with me. Are you gonna tell your precious hyung no? 🥺🥺

Yoongi: yes 😃

: 😤😤😤

Yoongi: Fine! Fine! I'll be over! 😩 are you treating for lunch Hyung? 😊

: 🙄 yes just get over here

Yoongi: Whoo-hoo! I'll be there in 30

Seokjin changed into a pair of khaki shorts and a fitted black t-shirt. He sat back on the couch with the list and a note pad so he could organize everything a bit better. He turned the TV on for some background noise.

"New York City's Echo Hall is pleased to present its 5th Annual Summer 'All about Fashion' event starting from August 10th to August 14th."

Seokjin looked up from his notepad and stared at the TV.

"Each day is a different show with the world's top four fashion designers. Day 1, Vonya Tes, designer of Confident Omega. Day 2, William Harrison, fashion icon his brand SNE, Day 3 Logan Elton, Fashion legend and is known for his many omega brands FitU is his most recent. Day 4 ending with new fashion icon V the genius designer behind the most popular line Y'BAS. For more information, you can call the number on the screen..." The words faded to Seokjin as he just sat there in shock. He did manage to see that each night a lucky winner gets to meet each designer and receive a free outfit.

He slowly closed his mouth, he just saw his boyfriend on TV. This was all surreal to him. He wanted to jump around screaming but he composed himself. Everything was going to be right. He told himself.

The doorbell rang, Seokjin opened the door and Yoongi handed him about ice coffee.

"It's hot today."

"Thanks. I can feel it." He turned the AC up higher. "I just saw the fashion event commercial on TV! I can't believe it! I'm so excited! I'm so nervous too!" He sighed and quickly drank his ice coffee getting a brain freeze.

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