Chapter 4

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Taehyung styled Seokjin for the party. He felt like he was a life-size doll the omega was having fun with. However, the omega stared at him with sich focus and attentive eyes. He couldn't tell if he was looking at him or just as an alpha he was styling.

He pushed those thoughts away. Of course, he was just an alpha to him, he didn't find him appealing or anything. The type of omega Taehyung was, he would definitely want a big strong alpha who could match his aura. Not a weakling like him. Even Namjoon who was a beta had a stronger aura than he did.

Once the omega finished, he left the loft to get ready. Seokjin curiously walked to the mirror to see the omega's work. He gasped covering his mouth. Was this really him? For the first time ever he actually felt attractive. He felt impressed with Taehyung, not only was he a talented designer but he knew a lot about makeup and hair. He turned to get another look from a different angle.

A silver choker was around his neck, his hair was pushed back showing his forehead. The shirt he wore was really pretty. It was a long sleeve light sky blue button-up. Rhinestones went around the color. It wasn't a lot of makeup the omega put him, just a bit of foundation and a lip toner making his lips pop more. A rhinestone belt held up his black slacks.

"What's wrong with you? Didn't know you had potential sex appeal?" The omega teased sliding on his white button-up shirt. Seokjin averted his eyes after getting a small glimpse of the omega's toned torso. "You know I'm known as a miracle worker right?" He continued teasing the older alpha who sighed and glared at him.

"Keep it up and I'll smear my lip toner on your white shirt."

Taehyung simply shrugged. "Wouldn't be the first time that's happened."

"Ah geez!" Seokjin plopped in the chair and crossed his legs. "Anyway, you're really good at makeup and hair. What even made you get into the fashion business? You had no idea what you wanted to be before." He watched as the omega flat-ironed his hair.

"If you really want to know...I joined the fashion world to make a change."

"A change?" Seokjin tilted his head.

"The fashion world is run by arrogant alphas who want to take advantage of clueless omega models who just want to live their dream. I'm changing that and I have changed that. Now I get to boss alphas around and no one can stop me. Oh! And I get to be surrounded by sexy models." He smirked turning back to the mirror.

Seokjin stared at him with his mouth open. The first half sounded good but the second half just shocked him. Was that his true reason or was the omega trolling him like he usually did?

Taehyung gave an angelic smile. "Isn't that a good reason Hyung?" He turned to the alpha. "I don't have to go out and find my partners they usually come to me. I also get free feels when taking their measurements. They love it."

A blush came to the alpha's cheeks and he held his hand up. "I know you're trolling me now."

The omega snickered and turned back to his hair and makeup. Seokjin watched him through the mirror, he gave himself eyeliner and a tad bit of pink eyeshadow that made his eyes pop. Their eyes met a few times but neither said anything. Seokjin sighed to himself. Many probably thought the omega was the sweetest thing based on his face but he knew deep down inside he made a deal with a demon. The question was could he survive him?

Taehyung threw a light gray blazer over his white shirt and they headed downstairs. Namjoon decided to ride with them. He wore a light pink button-up and black jeans. Seokjin had been a few parties when doing odd jobs but this was first time partying with them. He just hoped he had fun.

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