\\ {0} Prologue \\

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Once upon a time, two powerful spirits ruled the planet Earth. These two souls lived in peace for many centuries, the opposite souls... Hope, and despair. Despair couldn't function without hope, and hope couldn't function without despair.

Every year when the sun collided with the moon, despair and hope would merge for one day, and for that day only. However, one year despair refused to side with hope, and went on their own path. Despair declared that they could live without hope, and that the world would look much better in deep.

A war broke out between hope and despair that day, as the world transitioned into complete riot. The skies turned crimson red, and many diseases broke out. The black hope and the white despair, fighting recklessly as they forgot about the world only to be left in their selfish desires.

Hope declared a final move, as they impaled the spear into Despair's soul. Slowly, despair was banished from planet earth, and was taken to an entire new realm: The Fantasy Arc

As Hope started to seal the wormhole of the Arc, they decided to lay a curse out so despair would be eternally executed. The curse that would turn Hope into despair itself, as they sacrificed their life to cure the world of despair. The new hope is yet to be found, the new hope to destroy the curse and lead the world back into peace.

"If man turns to despair, that person will be sent to the deep realm of riddles and curses. They will be assigned a curse(s) so they gain motivation to escape. If the persons hope is strong enough, they will make it back to
Earth, and if not then they will die in the attempts to rid of the despair clawing into their corrupted hearts."

Past Life...?

"Hey, Hajime..." A tall boy in a brown uniform smiled at me, "Can I tell you something? I understand if you don't want to hear from trash like me, but... I can't keep this inside any longer."

This was the guy I had my eyes peeled for. Even though most people felt complete and utter hatred for this guy, I couldn't help but feel different. Every flaw that shined through him was only a fragment of beauty for my eyes.

His cheeks were slightly blushed. He also held an uncertain expression on his pale face. I hate to admit it, but I do find this side of him rather adorable.

"Sure, what is it?" I replied, trying to sound indifferent. In reality, I was hoping he was going to say what I thought he was. But, I don't even know if he swings that way.

Nagito fiddled with his fingers nervously as he chuckled lightly. His hair flowed perfectly in the soft winds, his sheepish smile forever embedded in my memory. He was slightly taller than me, making him look slightly dominant despite his submissive personality.

"W-Well... Ah! This is k-kinda hard to explain..." He hesitated as he played with his wavy locks.

"If you don't wanna say it, then don't say it..." I replied, slight annoyance in my tone.

"No, I'm g-gonna tell you~" Nagito stuttered. In all honesty, I had never seen him stutter before. He usually had a calm demeanor unlike how he's acting now.

"Hm, well if it helps... How about this." I blurted, "When you tell me what you have to tell me, then I'll let out a secret of mine out as well."

A color of bright crimson formed on my cheeks as I bit my lip. Nagito immediately took notice and blushed as well. I just had to hope that he didn't catch my drift, but by his reaction... it seems that he did.

As if a card that would give Nagito the winning prize was dealt, his expression immediately changed. He started to shake and blush immensely, and I could tell he was uncomfortable. Tears started to trickle down his cheeks like raindrops. He knew what I meant.

His Riddle {Drv2 FanFic AU/KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now