// {7} More, Morie than Anyone Else \\

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Can't draw well- obviously, but I wanted to give you all an idea on what Sugi looked like. Once again, this isn't supposed to look good, but if I tried, it would look the same. I'm a writer, not an artist, sadly. Also forgot to add the bruises, oops. But hey, I tried! Anyways just think of her like this and enjoy the story!
TW: Gore?, Self harm, Mental breakdowns, sensitive subjects.

I felt myself waking up again inside the cottage in the woods. Was it all a dream? I had no idea about that, but what I did know was that I had to ask Sugi about it. My heart started to ache for no reason as I felt worried tears fall down my face.

It all felt so real, I thought we were going to die. But it was all for nothing. All of my effort, gone to waste. More tears fell down my face as I continued to cry and cry. My feet moved without warning as I rushed towards Sugi, in need of answers.

Soon enough, I made my way towards her and prepared my speech.

"Sugi, um... I had a dream, was that-" I started before getting cut off by a crying Sugi and a knife to my throat.

"You don't remember it, okay?!" She choked, sniffling, "Just... listen. Long story short, my curse allowed you to see my thoughts and desires. I'm not dating Idola, and she doesn't even look like that... But she is here, I found her!"

"Ah so you are-" I started before realizing what I was saying. It all made sense, why she called me a homophobe.

"Oh hey guys..." A short girl walked towards us cheerfully, looking a lot like Idola, but very different.

The girl had fluffy bangs, and wore high, short pigtails in a pastel purple color with a white bear hat on top. She also wore a white shirt with a black corset over, which was attached to a magenta skirt. At the same time, she wore a light green cape coat with dinosaur spikes down the arms.

Her socks were striped with white and green colors and reached up to her thighs, alongside black platform mary janes. In short, she looked like a child. Because of her height, I honestly would've thought she was 13 if I wasn't looking closely.

"Hajime, right? I've heard of you, I guess. Doesn't matter anyways." Idola snarled, crossing her arms and looking away.

"Oh Hajime, I've been looking for you!" Nagito said chirpily, "Oh sorry, was I interrupting something?"

"N-No, not at all!" I responded shyly before realizing I stuttered. Why was I stuttering around a guy? It's not that I like him, but still.

My heart started to race as I attempted to run as far away as I could. My heart raced as I ran and ran, attempting to escape. However, the vines had other plans for me. The moving vines that like to trap its prey, that type of vine.

"Gh! W-What? What the?" I yelled out before realizing I was stuck in the colorful vines.

Alone, and afraid. Just a way to make it obvious. I didn't want to look stupid, so I stayed quiet and waited for someone to follow, but nobody did. Me, all alone with my thoughts. My stupid thoughts.

But why did I feel that way? I wasn't supposed to harbor feelings for him, and what if he knew? And the weirdest part is that I've only known him for a few weeks, how am I already starting to crush on him? Wait, what is that trapdoor doing over there...

He would think I was disgusting, no. He knows I'm disgusting. How disgusting can I be, huh? So pathetic... yeah. Before I knew it, soft tears started to trickle down my face like when it rains, but the sun still shines. Just like that.

"Kyahahaha!" Someone strange started to laugh before I felt myself become free from the grasp of those vines.

"Who's there?!" I yelled out in an obvious panic, overthinking the situation, "I said... who's there?"

His Riddle {Drv2 FanFic AU/KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now