\\ {3} I Want to see a Desire \\

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Komaeda and I walked for what seemed like endless hours. Walking to nowhere, at no time. The peace I felt in those moments seemed to last forever, but forever has to end sometimes as well... Right?

"Hey Komaeda, where are we going?" I started, but before I could finish he parted his lips.

"We're searching... did you forget?" Komaeda smiled carelessly as if he didn't realize the situation he was in.

The fact that he didn't care creeped me out, but what creeped me out the most was that the once bright forest we were walking through was slowly turning darker. The further we went, the more the aroma turned dark. Everything around us turned grey and gloomy, ruining any positivity that could exist around.

"I'm not stupid!" I yelled, "Wait do you think- No, there's definitely something wrong."

"Are you okay? You seem upset, Hinata." Komaeda frowned, giving me a look of sympathy.

"Stop playing dumb, I know you see it too!" I balled my fists in pure anger. There was no reason as to why I was so angry, I just was.

"See what?- Oh." He looked around at his surroundings, noticing how dead everything looked, "You know how to fight, right Hinata?"

"F-Fight, what do you-" Before I could finish my sentence, a group of people jumped right in front of us.

But what confused me the most was that girl in the back. All you could see or hear of her was the outline of her figure, and her manic giggles. Everything was blurry, my heart was beating as if it was about to erupt.

A guy as normal as me couldn't fight, I couldn't do it... But he could. Izuru Kamakura, the Ultimate Hope. He could do it, but how would I summon him? There were many ways to do so, but none seemed like they would work... Except the most painful one.

I glanced at Komaeda, he seemed to know what he was doing. He was throwing chains from his psyche locks at the deformed-looking people while keeping his distance. However, it seemed that the more he threw the chains, the more his locks cracked.

"Sorry, but this is the only way..." I blurted, knowing what I was about to do. The most painful option, "I'm going to let them hit me."

"HUH?!" Komaeda responded, it seemed as if he didn't have anything to say. Nothing as a response.

And just like that, I was knocked out with a metal bat.

(Izuru POV)

"...What is this?" I yawned, unimpressed by the sight before me. People were fighting left and right, and there was blood dripping down my forehead.

"Hinata said he was going to summon you- Not sure why..." Komaeda gave me a reassuring smile as I analyzed what was going on with me.

I was inhumane, something I had never experienced before. Nonetheless it was boring, yet I knew what he wanted from me. He wanted me to fight. This must be the curse we were assigned, then.

Quickly, I focused some of my energy on my feet as I jumped off of the ground. In the air I was, frantically looking for a safe place to land. A cliff nearby caught my eyes, but it was too far. I used the rest of my energy to jump mid-air, as I landed on the cliff.

There were three creatures on the roof which all looked as if they were clueless. Mindless zombies wandering around aimlessly as they threw hits to who knows where.

Before I could gather my thoughts, a rock was thrown at my head. By instinct I turned around, only to see one of the creatures grabbing my attention. No, this wasn't a creature. It was a girl, a girl who looked absolutely insane.

His Riddle {Drv2 FanFic AU/KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now