// ZenTan Oneshot - I Love You \\

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Another day, another story. At least that's what they usually tend to say. Every time I walk down the halls, that same scene repeats itself over and over again. A never ending story for me to memorize and adapt to.

There was nothing new to reveal, because I knew everything that was going to happen. I'd get stares from everyone as they tried their hardest to steer clear of my path. It's always been that way ever since I came. Ever since I returned to my hometown.

People stereotyped me as overly emotional, and also as they called it: 'A Pervert'. It's not my fault hot girls come in my grasp! Am I supposed to just ignore that? Hell no!

But now it wasn't the girls I was steering for. Tanjiro Kamado, the boy who I fell for from afar. There's nothing significant about him besides the scar on his face, and the fact his forehead is as hard as steel. He's far out of my reach, because of how lonely I am.

The only friend I have is Murata because he as well, has nobody else. For that reason alone, we grew to be very close. That generic idiot who's an outcast just like me. You'd think someone as average as him would have friends, but fate pulled his strings.

I'm not even sure why I like Tanjiro, since he looks at me like everyone else in this school does: Pure Disgust. Before I could overthink over whatever I was overthinking because of something else that I was thinking of, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Stop walking so slow! I can't even get to class because you're in the way." Murata snorted.

"AEEEEEEEEEEEEEH!" I shouted back as a reflex, while making another one of my classic weird faces, drawing attention from students passing by, "REPENT, YOU MORON! REPENT!"

Murata laughed softly before walking up right next to me and tugging on my arm. Alongside him being my only friend, he was also the only person who knew about my crush.

"Why are you looking at me like that?! STOP IT!" I started to freak out by Murata's facial expression, unaware of his intentions.

"You know, since you love Tan-ji-ro so much, why don't you just ask him out?" He tugged on his average backpack and then nudged my shoulder.

"Hell, no! No way am I doing that! NOT HAPPENING." I screamed back.

"Secret love letters?"





". . ."

"Uh, Zenitsu? Are you there?" Murata snickered, knocking on my noggin. What he did know was that I was thinking about Tanjiro, but what he didn't know was the perfect plan I had just come up with.

"I can't just leave! I'm stuck in my own body!" I retorted before mumbling something too low for him to hear, "Sadly..."

"Huh, what was that?" Murata asked, "Actually, that will have to wait."

I ignored all the signs while Murata walked into the classroom. All I could think of was Tanjiro, which would soon lead to my complete demise.

"OW!" I yelled as I ran into a brown-ish sign with a red drawing on the top right.

My head started to bleed, but before I could process anything, everything went black.


"Hey, are you okay?" Said the voice, their words calming my soul, "Please be okay... I'm worried!"

"This happens to him a lot, he'll be fine. However, this has been occurring more often recently. Maybe it's because of-" The voice cut itself off before saying anything else.

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