// {8} I have no Need for Worthless Things \\

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In his arms, I felt at peace. It was warm and comfortable, but even in the midst of that serenity, something felt off. Of course I knew that something always felt off, but this was different.

It was just like in the books, where the epilogue turns into the rising action. Just like that. But how was that going to turn out, or was I just being paranoid again? The ringing in my ears started to grow louder.

As if a silent voice was telling me to move, I felt myself start to stand up. But the weird part was that Nagito, in his weakened state, was following me. Nagito, who couldn't even walk.

I left the bedroom, and walked out the front door. The ringing in my ears did not quiet down. It was as if I was brainwashed but I was aware of the fact that I was not in control.

Continuously, I walked until I made my way to the building I started off in. That exact same stone block I was trapped in for a good few hours. The ringing in my ears started to become unbearable.

"Oh my... Gh!-" I tried to scream out, but my screaming was muffled.

I took a look around only to see that the rest of us were walking too. Sugi, Idola, and Nagito. That only worsened the pain and the roaring sirens between my head.

My heart dropped. No, my entire body dropped, the floor disappeared. I was falling at an alarming rate. The ringing in my ears stopped as I regained control of myself, but it was too late.

I was going to die in this hellhole without any chance of escape. This can't be! After all of this effort, I was going to die? No, no, no...

Then an idea came, as I started to focus extremely hard, until I transformed into the monster I hated the most. Wings sprouted from my back, saving me from death. But the others were still falling.

"Nagito, Sugi, Idola! Grab on!" I yelled, picking them up, until I started to fall again, "One at a time... then."

First, I grabbed Nagito, flying towards the ground and laying him there. Afterwards, he collapsed on the floor, sleeping peacefully. I was almost hypnotized by his beauty until I remembered Sugi and Idola.

I swooped up and grabbed them both, since they were extremely light. Quickly, I flew down towards the ground, or I tried to. We all ended up lightly crashing into the ground, but hard enough to make me bleed.

"Puhuhuhu! Awh, I thought that was gonna kill you! How adorable!" A squeaky voice echoed around the halls.

"Junko..." Nagito mumbled, still half asleep.

"It's me.. Junko Enoshima..." An attractive girl entered the dark nothingness we were in, looking extremely bored.

"Geez! What do you even want from us? U-Um... please don't hurt me though!" Idola hid behind Sugi, peeking at the strange girl in front of us.

"Such despair, there must have been a glitch!" Junko laughed, drooling slightly.

"...What glitch?" I asked, annoyance clear as water in my tone.

"Looks like you're on the path to freedom, I guess... Just walk that way, and press the button... whatever..." Junko sighed and pointed north.

Without another word, all of us walked towards the way she directed us, ready to escape this weird, black room. None of us spoke a sentence, even though we knew that when we crossed the line, we would never see each other again.

No goodbyes or hugs, just the emptiness in our souls. Maybe it was the atmosphere, or maybe it was because it felt too easy. Did we not process the fact that this was it, or were we just desperate to leave?

His Riddle {Drv2 FanFic AU/KomaHina}Where stories live. Discover now